12 years |
achernya |
Update OpenAFS to 1.6.4
12 years |
andersk |
New certificate for luke.wf, www.luke.wf
12 years |
tboning |
Fixed lack of new lines in the end of chatter and set-up certs
12 years |
tboning |
Certificate and configuration for set-up.mit.edu
12 years |
tboning |
Certificate and configuration for chatter.mit.edu
12 years |
achernya |
Certificate and configuration for roost
12 years |
tboning |
12 years |
andersk |
Update nss_nonlocal to 2.1
- Support Automake 1.12.
- Guard one-time ...
12 years |
achernya |
Block the user harder
12 years |
achernya |
Add more users to email blacklist
12 years |
adehnert |
prune-mailq: don't pre-wrap the sample email
12 years |
adehnert |
prune-mailq: give usage message when run w/o args
12 years |
andersk |
Enable GSSAPIKeyExchange
12 years |
achernya |
Update krb5
12 years |
achernya |
Makefile for OpenAFS
12 years |
achernya |
Update to OpenAFS, also try to stop crashing
12 years |
achernya |
Certificate and configuration for feed
12 years |
andersk |
Add extensions from php-process
12 years |
adehnert |
prune-mailq: only show the top twenty users
12 years |
adehnert |
prune-mailq: fix usage and allow @scripts.mit.edu names
12 years |
adehnert |
mailq-cleaning script
Script to help cleaning postfix mailqueues by ...
12 years |
achernya |
Certificate renewal for ties
12 years |
achernya |
rubygems 1.8.25-6
12 years |
achernya |
Enable kernel 3.8 in openafs
12 years |
achernya |
Update to krb5 1.10.2-11
12 years |
achernya |
Certificate renewal for courseroad
12 years |
achernya |
Update postfix from 2.9.5 to 2.9.6
12 years |
achernya |
Certificate and configuration for mosh
12 years |
achernya |
Certificate renewal for carepackages and finboard
12 years |
achernya |
Sync mitchief.org from LDAP
12 years |
achernya |
Remove certificate configuration for a long-deactivated site
12 years |
achernya |
Block a spammy user
12 years |
achernya |
Update to rubygems 1.8.25-4
Due to some problems with the Fedora ...
12 years |
achernya |
Update to krb5-1.10.2-9
12 years |
achernya |
Update discuss to 10.0.15
12 years |
achernya |
Certificate renewal for bc
12 years |
geofft |
Certificate renewal for ldpreload.com for 2 years
12 years |
achernya |
Certificate renewal for tibetforum
12 years |
achernya |
Certificate for dormbase and webid
12 years |
achernya |
Update to OpenAFS 1.6.2
12 years |
adehnert |
Correctly set mode of suexec.log
Historically, suexec.log has been ...
12 years |
andersk |
Update rubygems to 1.8.25-1.scripts
12 years |
achernya |
Update to httpd 2.2.23
12 years |
andersk |
Use DKMS for OpenAFS
12 years |
andersk |
Tighten scripts vhost mail security
Broken MTAs such as MIT’s will ...
12 years |
achernya |
Certificate renewal for dchang; new certificate for cons
12 years |
achernya |
Certificate renewal for gsc
12 years |
achernya |
Block unresponsive spam-y user
12 years |
andersk |
Update to OpenAFS 1.6.2pre3 for kernel 3.7 support
12 years |
andersk |
New CellServDB from ops
12 years |
achernya |
Certificate renewal for classmates, psetcentral, schuh
12 years |
achernya |
Package the 389ds munin monitoring plugin.
12 years |
achernya |
Certificate renewal for blog.gregbrockman.com
12 years |
andersk |
/etc/ntp.conf: Refresh from Fedora 17
This enables queries on ::1, ...
12 years |
andersk |
/etc/named.conf: Add stub zones for mit.edu and 18.in-addr.arpa
12 years |
andersk |
/etc/hosts: Add not-backward
12 years |
achernya |
Certificate renewal for cs6090 and isawyou
12 years |
achernya |
Update postfix for version 2.9.5
12 years |
achernya |
Also add www.davidben.net
12 years |
achernya |
Clean up other similarly affected certificate chains
12 years |
achernya |
Remove InCommon Root CA from certificate chain
MIT recently switched ...
12 years |
achernya |
Certificate and configuration for davidben.net
12 years |
achernya |
Certificate renewal for eastgate, picker, pickr
12 years |
achernya |
Blacklist mount.nfs and netreport setuid binaries
12 years |
achernya |
Certificate renewal for impact; new certificate for crush
12 years |
andersk |
Disable mirrors for fedora.repo better.
12 years |
andersk |
Disable mirrors for fedora.repo
12 years |
andersk |
Import pristine upstream /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora.repo
12 years |
andersk |
Add SSLCertificateChainFile to debathena.conf
12 years |
andersk |
Rediff openssh.spec.patch
12 years |
achernya |
Certificate renewal for bakerfoundation, peoplesearch; initial ...
12 years |
andersk |
Revert to OpenAFS 1.6.1 plus minimal patches for Linux 3.6
12 years |
quentin |
Add maoting as a blocked mail sender
12 years |
geofft |
Create patch for current openafs-stable-1_6_x as fake
Create ...
12 years |
achernya |
Certificate renewal fixup ashdown, ec, listmon, sayno, swe, techfair, ...
12 years |
achernya |
Certificate renewal for ashdown, ec, listmon, sayno, swe, techfair, ...
12 years |
achernya |
Certificate renewal for hmmt
12 years |
achernya |
Certificate renewal for barnowl, fridget, maseeh, signup, sipb, ...
12 years |
quentin |
Partially revert r2329, and set postfix's inet_protocols to the ...
12 years |
glasgall |
re-enable westgate vhost
12 years |
achernya |
Add glasgall to aliases for root
12 years |
achernya |
Remove cdsa certificate; no longer hosted on scripts
12 years |
achernya |
Remove westgate configuration
12 years |
achernya |
Certificate renewal for rpl and stalk
12 years |
achernya |
Remove certificate and configuration for crosslinks, no longer on Scripts
12 years |
achernya |
Certificate renewal for bluechips.emergent-studios.com
12 years |
quentin |
Add certs for webathena, conner4, and update cert for debathena.
12 years |
geofft |
Disable SSL compression to defend against rumored side-channel attack
12 years |
andersk |
Remove ref-prepatch
We’ve never updated this, and it’s not how ...
12 years |
achernya |
Add intermediate certificates for luke.wf
12 years |
ezyang |
Allow user list generation to access LDAP credentials.
12 years |
ezyang |
Bump Kerberos version and fix fuzz.
12 years |
ezyang |
List get-homedirs in files list for accountadm
12 years |
geofft |
Update to Postfix 2.9.4
12 years |
geofft |
Certificate renewals for ai6034 and classof2014
13 years |
ezyang |
Message no long occurs due to upstream fix ...
13 years |
ezyang |
File capabilities respect nosuid too ...
13 years |
ezyang |
Ignore setuid binaries in /var/lib/mock, which are nosuid'd
13 years |
ezyang |
Remount /var/lib/mock as nosuid
13 years |
achernya |
Really add the mitchief cert.