15 years |
mitchb |
Augment LDAP-MMR NRPE plugin to check for replication conflicts
Trac: ...
15 years |
geofft |
New certificate for scripts-cert
15 years |
mitchb |
Renewed certificate for tours.mit.edu
15 years |
geofft |
Also disable outgoing mail, not just incoming bounces
15 years |
adehnert |
Disable problematic user
15 years |
adehnert |
Add cron job to check the cert
15 years |
adehnert |
Add certificate for Finboard
15 years |
geofft |
aliases: Update root@scripts.mit.edu list to current maintainers
15 years |
mitchb |
SSL certificate and config for asa.mit.edu
15 years |
mitchb |
Two's company and three's a crowd, but have an orgy if you must
15 years |
mitchb |
Renewed certificate for bc.mit.edu
15 years |
ezyang |
Certificate and Apache config for quickprint.
15 years |
mitchb |
New certificate for tibetforum.mit.edu
15 years |
mitchb |
Renewed certificate for schuh.mit.edu
15 years |
geofft |
__scripts/needcerts: Add support for working around Safari
Safari on ...
15 years |
ezyang |
Take upstream changes to use alternative runtime directory for fcgi; ...
15 years |
quentin |
Use the right script...
15 years |
quentin |
QuickPrint cronjob (so it runs on every host)
15 years |
mitchb |
Certificate and Apache config for isawyou.mit.edu
15 years |
mitchb |
Allow "buildroot override" functionality in mock via a local repo
If ...
15 years |
mitchb |
Certificate and Apache config for classmates.mit.edu
15 years |
mitchb |
Enable mod_deflate
In these harsh economic times, scripts should ...
15 years |
mitchb |
Speed up postfix acceptance of mail to foo@scripts.mit.edu
Postfix ...
15 years |
mitchb |
Handle vhosts that have multiple defined aliases
15 years |
mitchb |
Renewed certificate for eastgate.mit.edu
15 years |
quentin |
Reify *.blue-sun-corp.com
15 years |
quentin |
Missed a ServerAlias
15 years |
quentin |
Handle vhosts that don't have any defined aliases
15 years |
quentin |
Add *.blue-sun-corp.com cert
15 years |
mitchb |
I Bemoan The State Of Postfix (LDAP and mail hosting for all our vhosts)
15 years |
geofft |
I don't want mail to info@, marketing@, sales@, or support@scripts
15 years |
mitchb |
Stop using deprecated intraposed format for iptables rules
I've seen ...
15 years |
mitchb |
Unblock outbound mail from cycling-club
15 years |
mitchb |
Renewed certificate for picker.mit.edu
15 years |
mitchb |
yum config for scripts testing repo
If we're going to do exciting ...
15 years |
geofft |
httpd.conf: Permit index.fcgi as an index
This ought to fix the issue ...
15 years |
mitchb |
Renewed debathena.mit.edu cert
15 years |
geofft |
SSL cert and config for impact.mit.edu [help.mit.edu #1111633]
15 years |
mitchb |
Don't allow mock to use mirrors for package updates
You know that new ...
15 years |
quentin |
Ignore DNSSEC errors
15 years |
quentin |
Import upstream logwatch named script
15 years |
ezyang |
Add ezyang@mit.edu to receive root email.
15 years |
quentin |
Run ldap-backup as root so it can manipulate files owned by both ...
15 years |
quentin |
Allow scripts to execute ldap-backup
15 years |
andersk |
Undo the REDIRECT_STATUS kludge.
httpd.conf has always contained ...
15 years |
geofft |
SSL certificate renewals
15 years |
geofft |
Punt textbooks.mit.edu's config because it is no longer on scripts
15 years |
geofft |
Use a more accurate OU in certificates
15 years |
mitchb |
Improvements to check_ldap_mmr plugin
o Don't put a newline after ...
15 years |
ezyang |
Disable vhost logging.
15 years |
mitchb |
Revert r1328 - accept Rails-related updates from Fedora again
15 years |
geofft |
CSR and configuration for signup.mit.edu [help.mit.edu #1024298]
15 years |
mitchb |
Change the Scripts build system to build under mock!
15 years |
mitchb |
Prevent users from trying to run mock via password auth
15 years |
mitchb |
Put pristine upstream mock PAM config under revision control
15 years |
mitchb |
Revert r1330. Try not to kill *all* of our notifications next time.
15 years |
geofft |
syslog: Ignore "Failed keyboard-interactive..."
We don't permit ...
15 years |
mitchb |
Stop accepting Rails-related updates from Fedora
15 years |
quentin |
Goddamn hardcoded vhosts
15 years |
mitchb |
Certificate and SSL config for ai6034.mit.edu
15 years |
mitchb |
Fix global scoping problem from r1317 and r1319
One of these days ...
15 years |
geofft |
Don't disable freshclam
15 years |
quentin |
Add freshclam configuration
15 years |
mitchb |
Fix vhost log rolling config from r1317
15 years |
quentin |
Temporarily keep 14 days of vhost logs
15 years |
quentin |
Handle ~urls as well when gathering statistics
15 years |
quentin |
Flush log after each entry, to avoid a big 4k buffer
15 years |
ezyang |
Collect logs about virtual host hits from MITnet at ...
15 years |
mitchb |
SSL config for bookspicker.mit.edu. The cert doesn't do much without it.
15 years |
geofft |
SSL certificate for bookspicker.mit.edu
15 years |
geofft |
certificate renewals
15 years |
geofft |
Don't zephyr -c scripts-spew about sudo from root.
Because we usually ...
16 years |
quentin |
basename != dirname
16 years |
geofft |
Actually unblock reuter from sending (not just receiving) mail ...
16 years |
geofft |
Unblock golem from receiving mail (discussed with him over zephyr)
16 years |
geofft |
Unblock reuter from sending mail [help.mit.edu #985700]
16 years |
mitchb |
We got nss-ldapd into Fedora! Stop building it from OpenSuSE.
16 years |
mitchb |
Certificate and Apache config for metu.mit.edu
16 years |
mitchb |
Stop using the Fedora mirrors; they suck
The mirrors lag behind the ...
16 years |
mitchb |
Put -updates and -updates-testing repo configs under version control
16 years |
mitchb |
Wrap check_ldap_mmr with a sudo invocation, and don't spew logs about it
16 years |
mitchb |
Nagios plugin to monitor LDAP multi-master replication status
16 years |
mitchb |
Configuration for new scripts webserver real-mccoy
16 years |
quentin |
Prevent AFS client from registering shared or backend IPs
16 years |
geofft |
Fix URL of Django admin media for F11/py2.6.
16 years |
mitchb |
Reintegrate branches/fc11-dev (r1121:1258) to trunk
16 years |
mitchb |
Configuration for new scripts webserver busy-beaver
16 years |
mitchb |
Missed one; pancake-bunny backend route config
16 years |
mitchb |
Configuration for new scripts webserver pancake-bunny
16 years |
mitchb |
Renewal certificate for scripts-cert.mit.edu
16 years |
ezyang |
Revert change, as this will fail if AFS is not loaded.
16 years |
ezyang |
Have zroot also look in /mit/scripts/.ssh/authorized_keys.
This is a ...
16 years |
quentin |
Add cycling-club to set of blocked mail users, and split the list off ...
16 years |
geofft |
SSL cert and config for tours.mit.edu
16 years |
mitchb |
kmod-openafs should be shaken, not stirred... err, installed, not ...
16 years |
quentin |
Add ImageMagick PHP extension
16 years |
ezyang |
Commiting enabling of dom.ini, pending further performance review.
16 years |
mitchb |
Remove expired test cert and config for geofft.mit.edu
16 years |
quentin |
Always ensure we have tokens before starting crond
16 years |
quentin |
Script for checking certificate expiration times