16 years |
quentin |
Monitoring of DNS servers
16 years |
quentin |
Add monitoring of stuff
16 years |
quentin |
Make CPU depend on NRPE for scripts hosts
16 years |
quentin |
Use soft states when determining dependencies, so we don't get notices ...
16 years |
quentin |
Update Nagios links to mrtg
16 years |
quentin |
if NRPE is down, don't bother notifying about NRPE-related services
16 years |
quentin |
Forgot a couple config files
16 years |
quentin |
Update Nagios configuration for Nagios 3
16 years |
quentin |
Monitor NRPE status
16 years |
quentin |
Bump load thresholds to 50
16 years |
quentin |
Incorporate scripts-vhost data from r-b in Aggregated graph
16 years |
quentin |
Import old Munin conf changes
16 years |
quentin |
Don't warn about CRON being broken during an AFS outage
16 years |
quentin |
Add CRON-WORKING Nagios test, and contact scripts when sql goes down
16 years |
mitchb |
If I'm going to deal with outages, I should be able to ACK them
and ...
16 years |
quentin |
Update hostgroup names so they stay within the scripts- namespace, so ...
16 years |
quentin |
Change zephyr host notifications to include the notification type
16 years |
quentin |
Check SVN status
16 years |
quentin |
Use new hostgroups for service configuration
16 years |
quentin |
Include XVM Nagios configuration
16 years |
quentin |
Add b-k as a scripts host
16 years |
quentin |
Add Nagios check commands
16 years |
quentin |
Remove andersk-cell from scripts pagers
16 years |
quentin |
Clean up Nagios pager notifications
16 years |
quentin |
Add new Nagios timeperiod 'never'
17 years |
geofft |
add a new Nagios timeperiod, 9x5
17 years |
quentin |
Initial import of munin AFS monitoring plugin
17 years |
quentin |
hardcode SQL alerts to sql@mit.edu
17 years |
quentin |
Place resource.cfg inside the private subdirectory
17 years |
quentin |
Correct location for mail
17 years |
quentin |
Update Nagios configuration to run on Debian's nagios2
17 years |
quentin |
Update cgi.cfg for running on syn
17 years |
quentin |
Increase ping times, add nscd monitoring
17 years |
quentin |
Part of r705
17 years |
quentin |
Only check services on real servers
17 years |
quentin |
Add sipb-ether and put the hosts behind it
17 years |
quentin |
Bump scripts' load warning levels
17 years |
presbrey |
SNI certificate stuff; someone else's LVS stuff
17 years |
quentin |
Sync munin config
17 years |
quentin |
Add r-f and r-b
17 years |
quentin |
Initial checkin of munin configuration
17 years |
quentin |
Require 6 consecutive checks to fail before notification.
17 years |
quentin |
Expand AFS outage window to 2 hours
17 years |
quentin |
Add andersk's cell phone
17 years |
quentin |
Added custom LVS monitoring script for munin
17 years |
quentin |
Changed host groups to be more accurate
17 years |
quentin |
Added service checks, including SSH and SSL certificate expiration.
17 years |
quentin |
Added quentin, geofft's pager numbers and added links to MRTG graphs ...
17 years |
quentin |
Added an "afs" time period for everything except scheduled AFS outages.
18 years |
quentin |
Add a check command for hosts so that their status is properly logged ...
18 years |
quentin |
Move resource template to a better filename
18 years |
quentin |
ignoring resource.cfg because it contains a sensitive password
18 years |
quentin |
Added quentin and geofft as Nagios administrators.
18 years |
presbrey |
scripts.mit.edu NOC permissions setup for nagios configuration
18 years |
presbrey |
scripts.mit.edu NOC nagios configuration
18 years |
presbrey |
removed NOC shell bash scripts
18 years |
presbrey |
18 years |
presbrey |
scripts.mit.edu NOC permissions setup
18 years |
presbrey |
Ignore logs and data
18 years |
presbrey |
Ignore logs and data
18 years |
presbrey |
scripts.mit.edu NOC graphing