Opened 15 years ago

#121 new defect

Uninstalling applications can destroy un-associated user data

Reported by: adehnert Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: autoinstallers Keywords:


If I have a database with user data that is unassociated with an autoinstall of the same name, uninstalling the autoinstalled app will still delete the database. In particular, if you install something like phpical and separately create a database, both with the same name (say, "test"), you'll lose the database at the same time you remove the autoinstall. This seems poor, especially there's no reason to think that that database name was "reserved".

adehnert@novgorod web_scripts [06:15] $ scripts-remove
Welcome to the uninstaller. This program will
help you cleanly remove software that you have auto-installed.

Are you removing an installation from:
1. Your personal Athena account
2. A locker that you control (a club, a course, etc.)
If you do not understand this question, you should answer 1.
Please enter either 1 or 2: 1

When you installed the software, you chose a URL
that starts with
Please enter the full URL where this software was
installed.  (This should correspond to a directory
in /mit/adehnert/web_scripts/.)

You have a MySQL account but you do not have a .my.cnf file.
If you do not remember your MySQL account password, you can change it
at using MIT certificates.
Please type your MySQL password and press [enter]: 

OK.  Continuing with the uninstaller...
Removing files. Please wait...
(This may take several seconds for large software.)
The directory /afs/
was successfully removed.
A one-day-old backup of the installation is
available from /afs/

The database adehnert+test
was successfully removed.

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