Custom Query (33 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#81 MediaWiki should have better defaults new enhancement major
#106 * certificate doesn't handle lockers with dots in their name assigned geofft defect major
#154 can't back up databases with lots of tables new defect major
#257 /usr/vice/cache can fail to mount new defect major
#411 bundler automatically runs sudo new defect major
#80 autoinstallers should filter spam by default new enhancement normal
#109 make installing language modules to your homedir easy new enhancement normal
#138 autoinstallers shouldn't fail if primary is down new enhancement normal
#150 load-balance SQL reads where possible new enhancement normal
#152 hotter MySQL failover new enhancement normal
#153 look into MySQL multimaster replication new enhancement normal
#165 Locker ownership check should include magic admin bit new enhancement normal
#189 make Wizard capable of upgrading cert-protected sites new ezyang enhancement normal
#222 add mime types from execsys to Apache httpd.conf new enhancement normal
#251 phpBB is embarrassingly out of date new defect normal
#258 gdchart PECL module is broken against current gd library new defect normal
#269 Convert to WordPress or something new enhancement normal
#375 NRPE monitoring for uncommitted changes new enhancement normal
#395 Allow admin logins to autoinstalled sites via certificates new enhancement normal
#396 Better documentation for HTTPS redirects new enhancement normal
#410 Automatically request renewals of certs new enhancement normal
#63 MediaWiki should support clean URLs new enhancement minor
#75 Load balance on URL new enhancement minor
#77 .my.cnf generation and parsing. new defect minor
#93 autoinstallers internally depend on vhost/~lockername working reopened enhancement minor
#111 WordPress pingbacks aren't automatic new defect minor
#112 set-up-an-app pages should be patched out new enhancement minor
#137 Django's should mention ssh'ing to scripts on failure reopened enhancement minor
#209 memcached support new enhancement minor
#210 RabbitMQ support new enhancement minor
#211 Cassandra support new enhancement minor
#212 Add FastCGI support to node.js new enhancement minor Fedora 20
#217 procmail's ^TO expansion does not include X-Original-To new enhancement minor
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.