8 years |
andersk |
Update OpenAFS to
8 years |
achernya |
More spammy users
8 years |
andersk |
Remove custom certificates from version control
These are now pulled ...
8 years |
andersk |
Generate all reified vhosts from LDAP records
8 years |
andersk |
Remove certificates and configuration for linguistics, pda
8 years |
jakobw |
Remove certs from deleted hostnames.
8 years |
andersk |
Fix scriptsVhostCertificate and scriptsVhostCertificateKeyFile syntax
8 years |
andersk |
Add scriptsVhostCertificate and scriptsVhostCertificateKeyFile to LDAP ...
8 years |
achernya |
Block more spammy users
8 years |
andersk |
Certificate and configuration for e33-productions [help.mit.edu #4044073]
8 years |
andersk |
Certificates and configuration for 2009 [help.mit.edu #4041979]
8 years |
andersk |
Update madars.org configuration from LDAP
8 years |
andersk |
Updated certificate for madars.org [help.mit.edu #4033068]
8 years |
andersk |
Update CellServDB
8 years |
andersk |
Certificates and configuration for ensemble [help.mit.edu #4015227]
8 years |
achernya |
Experimental, manual let's encrypt for achernya.com
This is a test to ...
8 years |
achernya |
tdc mailloop, blackhole
8 years |
achernya |
Still sourcing spam
8 years |
achernya |
Blacklist more backscatter
9 years |
andersk |
Certificates and configuration for mosh.org and www.mosh.org ...
9 years |
andersk |
Apply the 2015 suexec patch for CVE-2016-5387 “httpoxy”.
Also remove ...
9 years |
andersk |
check_ldap_mmr: Connect to LDAP via local socket
9 years |
andersk |
Update OpenAFS to 1.6.18
9 years |
leee |
make the mail blacklist check a bit quieter
9 years |
andersk |
Mitigate CVE-2016-3714
9 years |
andersk |
Upstream version of /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml
9 years |
andersk |
Certificate and configuration for kasittig.com [help.mit.edu #3865499]
9 years |
btidor |
Updated certificate for luke.wf
9 years |
adehnert |
Log scripts/~username accesses (Scripts-#391)
9 years |
achernya |
I have no idea what happened here
9 years |
achernya |
This is what I get for using vim
9 years |
achernya |
Add a 389-ds-base patch for the CoS cache
The version of 389-ds-base ...
9 years |
andersk |
Remove all remaining traces of apacheConfig records
9 years |
andersk |
reify-vhost.py: Use scriptsVhost records rather than apacheConfig records
9 years |
adehnert |
Check the local machine's IP address on the DNS blacklist
9 years |
vasilvv |
Add vasilvv to root email aliases
9 years |
adehnert |
Commit upstream nagios-rbl-check
From ...
9 years |
andersk |
Certificate and configuration for pda [help.mit.edu #3630557]
9 years |
andersk |
Certificate and configuration for sql
9 years |
quentin |
Add a Milter filter to determine the uid associated with a Postfix ...
9 years |
andersk |
Update OpenAFS to 1.6.16
9 years |
andersk |
/usr/sbin/suexec has fscaps
9 years |
achernya |
Correct intermediate
9 years |
achernya |
Certificate renwal for davidben.net
9 years |
achernya |
Patch openssl against a DoS
9 years |
btidor |
Fix for above (block outbound mail, not inbound)
9 years |
btidor |
Block early-warning from sourcing spam
9 years |
achernya |
Certificate and configuration for xcluster
9 years |
andersk |
Certificate and configuration for transitresearch.org [help.mit.edu ...
9 years |
andersk |
Certificates and configuration for maslab [help.mit.edu #3533372]
9 years |
andersk |
Update OpenAFS to 1.6.15
9 years |
andersk |
Remove certificate and configuration for familynet [help.mit.edu ...
9 years |
andersk |
Remove www.luke.wf alias (not present in LDAP)
9 years |
andersk |
Remove expired certificate and configuration for ...
9 years |
andersk |
Configure reified vhosts through LDAP
Reduces duplication, allows the ...
9 years |
andersk |
Certificate and configuration for sl2.xyz [help.mit.edu #3531722]
9 years |
achernya |
Raise SMTP alerting thresholds
500/1000 is not actually causing problems.
9 years |
btidor |
Add comment and fix whitespace
9 years |
btidor |
Trying again...
9 years |
btidor |
Undo r2725
9 years |
btidor |
Switch Postfix to IPv4-only because Gmail is blocking us
9 years |
achernya |
More mail queue curation
9 years |
achernya |
Reduce mail spam
9 years |
achernya |
Certificate renewal for achernya.com
9 years |
btidor |
Certificate and configuration for madars.org
9 years |
andersk |
Certificates and configuration for aepi [help.mit.edu #3377104]
9 years |
andersk |
Certificates and configuration for sixohtwo [help.mit.edu #3376574]
10 years |
andersk |
Certificate and configuration for cycling [help.mit.edu #3335316]
10 years |
achernya |
Certificate and configuration for digitalstructures
10 years |
andersk |
Update OpenAFS to 1.6.13
10 years |
andersk |
Follow Fedora 20 move to archives.fedoraproject.org
10 years |
andersk |
Enable OCSP stapling
No particular security benefit since we don’t ...
10 years |
andersk |
Update OpenAFS to 1.6.12
10 years |
andersk |
Remove configuration for rcc-d7dev.mit.edu [help.mit.edu #3276770]
10 years |
andersk |
Path change for dnd.mit.edu [help.mit.edu #3276705]
10 years |
achernya |
Add some spam sources to the blacklist
10 years |
andersk |
Remove temporary outgoing port 25 exemption for cssa
10 years |
andersk |
Install /usr/sbin/suexec with mode 555, not 510
achernya noticed that ...
10 years |
achernya |
Reify leee.mit.edu to pick up new docroot
10 years |
achernya |
Fix up techfair after rename to techx
10 years |
andersk |
Remove configuration for bakerfoundation, nudelta
10 years |
andersk |
Disable /.well-known/acme-challenge
This will prevent users from ...
10 years |
andersk |
Certificate and configuration for 6005 [help.mit.edu #3262093]
10 years |
andersk |
Log connections to localhost port 25
10 years |
andersk |
Block outgoing port 25
Exceptions are made for localhost, ...
10 years |
andersk |
Fix mixed content in scripts-special pages
Chrome now complains about ...
10 years |
andersk |
Certificate and configuration for bots [help.mit.edu #3239167]
10 years |
andersk |
Update krb5 to 1.11.5-19.fc20
10 years |
btidor |
Certificate and configuration for leee.mit.edu
10 years |
btidor |
Add a CSR-generating script
10 years |
btidor |
Use SHA-256 to sign CSRs (in case it makes a difference)
10 years |
btidor |
Rename obsolete private key
10 years |
andersk |
Certificate and configuration for rcc-d7dev [help.mit.edu #3182781]
10 years |
geofft |
Certificate and configuration for mafia-app [help.mit.edu #3182926]
10 years |
geofft |
Remove SSL configuration for mitchief
The certificate has expired and ...
10 years |
geofft |
Add missing intermediate for ldpreload.com
Some CA bundles, notably ...
10 years |
geofft |
Certificate renewal for luke.wf / www.luke.wf
This uses the 2048-bit ...
10 years |
geofft |
reify-vhost.py: Remove comment about removing SSLCertificateKeyFile ...
10 years |
geofft |
Certificate renewal for ldpreload.com
This uses the 2048-bit key and ...
10 years |
geofft |
Remove three vhosts that are no longer hosted by scripts