16 years |
mitchb |
Updated CellServDB from Ops
16 years |
mitchb |
Temporarily scriptsify rubygem-rails to work around Fedora packaging ...
16 years |
mitchb |
Upgrade OpenAFS to 1.4.11
o Two of our patches (postinit and ...
16 years |
mitchb |
Upgrade nss-ldapd to version 0.6.10
16 years |
mitchb |
Wrap check_ldap_mmr with a sudo invocation, and don't spew logs about it
16 years |
mitchb |
Nagios plugin to monitor LDAP multi-master replication status
16 years |
mitchb |
Configuration for new scripts webserver real-mccoy
16 years |
quentin |
Symlink in case AFS is stupid
16 years |
quentin |
Prevent AFS client from registering shared or backend IPs
16 years |
geofft |
Fix URL of Django admin media for F11/py2.6.
16 years |
mitchb |
Reintegrate branches/fc11-dev (r1121:1258) to trunk
16 years |
andersk |
16 years |
geofft |
Second coat of paint on an empty bikeshed
16 years |
geofft |
Still not convinced, but perhaps it works now too
16 years |
geofft |
I'm not convinced this package exists, but it's up to date now
16 years |
mitchb |
Configuration for new scripts webserver busy-beaver
16 years |
mitchb |
Missed one; pancake-bunny backend route config
16 years |
mitchb |
Configuration for new scripts webserver pancake-bunny
16 years |
mitchb |
Renewal certificate for scripts-cert.mit.edu
16 years |
ezyang |
Revert change, as this will fail if AFS is not loaded.
16 years |
ezyang |
Have zroot also look in /mit/scripts/.ssh/authorized_keys.
This is a ...
16 years |
mitchb |
Nitpick punctuation fix in spec file; doesn't change anything
16 years |
mitchb |
Tidy up dependencies for php_scripts
o Add BuildRequires dependency ...
16 years |
mitchb |
Package the php scripts.so logging module
16 years |
mitchb |
Update to new Athena CellServDB
16 years |
quentin |
Add cycling-club to set of blocked mail users, and split the list off ...
16 years |
mitchb |
Add a very braindead implementation of athrun for scripts.
This ...
16 years |
geofft |
SSL cert and config for tours.mit.edu
16 years |
mitchb |
kmod-openafs should be shaken, not stirred... err, installed, not ...
16 years |
quentin |
Add ImageMagick PHP extension
16 years |
ezyang |
Commiting enabling of dom.ini, pending further performance review.
16 years |
mitchb |
Remove expired test cert and config for geofft.mit.edu
16 years |
quentin |
Always ensure we have tokens before starting crond
16 years |
quentin |
Script for checking certificate expiration times
16 years |
geofft |
scripts.mit.edu Equifax-signed 2-year cert
16 years |
geofft |
Make Java work again by reducing its maximum heap size.
Otherwise, it ...
16 years |
geofft |
Replace *.scripts' cert with an Equifax-signed one from RapidSSL.
16 years |
geofft |
limits.conf: Actually, keep data and as around.
rss isn't respected ...
16 years |
quentin |
Revert r1162 (DDoS over?)
16 years |
andersk |
Punt memory limits other than rss.
16 years |
quentin |
Temporarily reduce request timeouts in order to deal with DDoS
16 years |
mitchb |
Config for ssh and networking to interact with cats-whiskers
16 years |
geofft |
Also delete the config
16 years |
geofft |
cycling-club.scripts' 30-day cert expired, so revert to the *.scripts cert
16 years |
andersk |
Build nss-ldapd.i386.
16 years |
andersk |
Update nss-ldapd to 0.6.8.
16 years |
andersk |
Update nss_nonlocal to 1.9.
16 years |
mitchb |
Revert r1010, make the power button work, as previously directed.
16 years |
quentin |
Don't make exceptions for single extensions
16 years |
mitchb |
People want json. Turn it on.
16 years |
geofft |
reified vhost for geofft.mit.edu
16 years |
geofft |
RapidSSL 30-day certificate for geofft.mit.edu
16 years |
mitchb |
Proofreading... 9 out of 10 optometrists agree!
16 years |
geofft |
(Temporarily?) permit mail to user@scripts-vhosts.mit.edu
16 years |
mitchb |
Restructure so trunk of the repo is at /trunk, not / (part 1)
copied from server/fedora:
16 years |
geofft |
change docroot for next.mit.edu