16 years |
andersk |
Make openafs build on 2.6.26.
16 years |
andersk |
Package python-routefs.
16 years |
andersk |
Update patch context.
16 years |
andersk |
Package the svn vhosting infrastructure into execsys.
16 years |
andersk |
Fix `make httpd` too.
16 years |
andersk |
Update the SNI patch for httpd 2.2.9, from ...
17 years |
quentin |
LDAP caching fix was moved upstream
17 years |
quentin |
Make the patch valid (emacs patch-mode FTW)
17 years |
andersk |
Update to nss_nonlocal 1.8.
17 years |
geofft |
httpd: Commit quentin's mod_status patch, which disallows ...
17 years |
andersk |
Update to nss_nonlocal 1.7, which fixes the nscd bug.
17 years |
presbrey |
packaged cronload,vhostadd,vhostedit
17 years |
presbrey |
whoisd packaged
17 years |
presbrey |
Update build system for Fedora 9
17 years |
andersk |
Add nss_nonlocal.
17 years |
andersk |
Fix a stupid mod_ldap caching bug.
17 years |
andersk |
Make the packaged suexec work.
17 years |
andersk |
Add SNI support to the httpd package.
17 years |
andersk |
Implement splice_write and splice_read so that sendfile() works on ...
17 years |
andersk |
Bump to OpenAFS 1.4.5.
17 years |
andersk |
Make new signups go to LDAP!
17 years |
andersk |
Build mod_vhost_ldap.
17 years |
andersk |
Add OpenSSH multihomed patch (derived from asedeno) to enable ssh to ...
17 years |
andersk |
Don't fail if signup user/group already exist.
17 years |
andersk |
httpd module updates, including support for optional authentication.
17 years |
andersk |
Use apxs to build Apache modules.
18 years |
presbrey |
tokensys: move afsagent crontab to isolate from fail-over cron
18 years |
jbarnold |
-M is needed to avoid creating homedir, not -m
18 years |
jbarnold |
home directory in AFS should not be created if it exists
18 years |
jbarnold |
should not remove signup's AFS-based home directory on uninstall
18 years |
presbrey |
mono interpreter
18 years |
jbarnold |
final touches
18 years |
jbarnold |
athena already has a "logs" user
18 years |
jbarnold |
moving apache error log to /home/logs
18 years |
jbarnold |
logview needs to be able to read the httpd logs
18 years |
jbarnold |
corrected postun spelling mistake that was causing confusion
18 years |
jbarnold |
defattr was causing complaint about group logview not existing
18 years |
jbarnold |
preparing logview for release on fc6 server
18 years |
jbarnold |
added logview package; fixed signup homedir
18 years |
jbarnold |
renamed modbash to mbash at Joe's request
forcing signup uid and gid ...
18 years |
jbarnold |
created two admofs for different selinux labels
18 years |
jbarnold |
updated all spec files to use numeric "Release:"
18 years |
presbrey |
packaged sql-signup utility
18 years |
presbrey |
upd-execsys bug fix
renamed staticsys-cat from sbin to bin to avoid ...
18 years |
tabbott |
Modifying Fedora specfiles to use the make install targets created by ...
18 years |
jbarnold |
daemon.keytab should not live in /home/afsagent to avoid deletion with ...
18 years |
jbarnold |
moved daemon.keytab back to /home/afsagent
18 years |
jbarnold |
added mit zephyr spec patch (which removes package dep)
18 years |
jbarnold |
should have been part of last commit
18 years |
jbarnold |
trying to make krb5 spec patch work with future krb5 versions
18 years |
presbrey |
move to accountadm
18 years |
jbarnold |
previously forgot to svn add new spec file
18 years |
jbarnold |
Improved package dependency tracking
18 years |
jbarnold |
added code from atrpms.net to make openafs work with 2.6.18
18 years |
jbarnold |
improved execsys init script
18 years |
jbarnold |
Fixed various bugs discovered when testing packages
Improved OpenAFS ...
18 years |
jbarnold |
Added missing bashrc file; added env cleaning
18 years |
jbarnold |
groupdel not needed after userdel
18 years |
jbarnold |