17 years |
andersk |
* Complete alias list for main SSL vhost.
* /heartbeat should only be ...
17 years |
andersk |
cmagee and vcpw
17 years |
jbarnold |
removed ScriptAlias from jbarnold vhosts
17 years |
jbarnold |
added phone.mit.edu
17 years |
geofft |
oops, need ~hunkim/wiki
17 years |
geofft |
[help.mit.edu #409057]
17 years |
geofft |
Use the vhosts-common-ssl-cert.conf include file
17 years |
geofft |
Include file to enable certificate authentication
17 years |
geofft |
[help.mit.edu #408920], and corrections to eastgate
17 years |
geofft |
[help.mit.edu #408940]
17 years |
presbrey |
use web to retrieve sources
17 years |
jbarnold |
Some patch offsets changed that should not have changed.
I'm not ...
17 years |
presbrey |
Added special permission bits for root and signup
17 years |
presbrey |
Default charset directive removed.
Minor cosmetic changes.
17 years |
jbarnold |
putz.mit.edu needs to point at web_scripts/wiki
17 years |
jbarnold |
also added mpg, mpeg, and avi
17 years |
jbarnold |
added extensions based on user requests (#400376, #405063)
17 years |
andersk |
Add cityscope.mit.edu.
17 years |
andersk |
Add more ServerAliases to the main scripts.mit.edu virtual host.
17 years |
andersk |
Add andersk.mit.edu.
17 years |
andersk |
Fix Aliases to point to web_scripts, not DocumentRoot.
17 years |
presbrey |
sql.mit.edu fix for careless UserDir directive manipulations
17 years |
andersk |
Oops, missed some.
17 years |
andersk |
Close the http://vhost/~wronguser hole.
17 years |
andersk |
Testing an idea on an unused vhost.
17 years |
andersk |
Give 404s for unknown vhosts.
17 years |
andersk |
Include common config files vhosts-common.conf and ...
17 years |
jbarnold |
17 years |
andersk |
HTML attributes need to be escaped. (I don't really want to think ...
17 years |
geofft |
help.mit.edu #399648
18 years |
jbarnold |
Another attempt to fix the automatic installer bug
18 years |
jbarnold |
First attempt to fix autoinstaller bug
Using a subdir of web_scripts ...
18 years |
jbarnold |
Don't trust the Athena cell with setuid binaries!
AFS trusts the local ...
18 years |
geofft |
Force trailing slash on install directory.
18 years |
andersk |
Fix version number comments.
18 years |
geofft |
help.mit.edu #390745
18 years |
presbrey |
LF terminate MySQL password in .my.cnf
18 years |
presbrey |
disable KeepAlives for HTTPS (MediaWiki+LVS+RandomPage bug)
18 years |
presbrey |
LVS: HTTP&S connection affinity
18 years |
presbrey |
Apache: shorter keepalives (5s)
18 years |
presbrey |
Apache: disable keepalives
18 years |
andersk |
Slay zombie pts processes.
18 years |
presbrey |
18 years |
presbrey |
start postfix if AFS is working
18 years |
presbrey |
localhost rules for NFS
18 years |
geofft |
help.mit.edu #395116
18 years |
geofft |
help.mit.edu #393622
18 years |
presbrey |
LVS: do not load-balance SMTP
18 years |
presbrey |
raise some default PHP limits
18 years |
jbarnold |
nevermind, new way does work
18 years |
jbarnold |
old way worked; new way does not
18 years |
andersk |
Just use ServerAlias instead of lots of separate VirtualHosts.
18 years |
geofft |
help.mit.edu #394092
18 years |
presbrey |
LVS cron inetd
18 years |
presbrey |
LVS inetd stats services
18 years |
presbrey |
LVS stats/debug
18 years |
geofft |
help.mit.edu #393929
18 years |
presbrey |
block open portmap ports
18 years |
presbrey |
virtual LVS local interfaces
18 years |
geofft |
help.mit.edu #393685
18 years |
presbrey |
LVS configuration for Debian
18 years |
presbrey |
LVS config tree
18 years |
presbrey |
do not start NFS server by default
18 years |
presbrey |
signup locker script updated for multiple servers
18 years |
presbrey |
commit oops
18 years |
presbrey |
sudoers file: do not require tty
18 years |
presbrey |
gems install script
rpms install script
user import signup script ...
18 years |
presbrey |
NFS export: /tmp
another NFS port for iptables
18 years |
presbrey |
updated service configuration for NFS
18 years |
jbarnold |
forgot export
18 years |
presbrey |
iptables NFS rules
18 years |
jbarnold |
moving afsagent krb tickets to /home/afsagent to avoid nfs-shared /tmp
18 years |
geofft |
help.mit.edu #392394
18 years |
geofft |
18 years |
jbarnold |
previously forgot to add /drupal to end of ua.mit.edu vhost
18 years |
jbarnold |
added ua.mit.edu vhost
18 years |
jbarnold |
added themorpheus.mit.edu vhost for mujde
18 years |
jbarnold |
forgot to add /bio to end of erc2007.mit.edu vhost
18 years |
jbarnold |
added erc2007.mit.edu vhost
18 years |
jbarnold |
files that have been chmod-ed 777 only need to be httpd-readable
18 years |
presbrey |
fixed Alias and Redirect locality
18 years |
jbarnold |
yoz rewrote logview.pl to do more streamlike processing
18 years |
jbarnold |
added geofft.mit.edu vhost
18 years |
jbarnold |
added RT image-handling alias
18 years |
jbarnold |
moved reminder.mit.edu vhost to jbarnold's control
18 years |
jbarnold |
remember to athrun scripts sshmic rather than simply sshmic!
18 years |
jbarnold |
complain in signup-minimal if neither anyuser nor authuser can list locker
18 years |
jbarnold |
added haiti.mit.edu vhost
18 years |
presbrey |
jbarnold did CPAN upgrade
18 years |
jbarnold |
started documentation for how to install a scripts.mit.edu server
18 years |
presbrey |
purge old httpd log files
yum ignores httpd and krb5-libs
block MIT ...
18 years |
presbrey |
rpm sync script
18 years |
presbrey |
keep ntpd started
18 years |
jbarnold |
added makefile target for symlinking /usr/vice/etc to /etc/openafs
so ...
18 years |
jbarnold |
-M is needed to avoid creating homedir, not -m
18 years |
jbarnold |
home directory in AFS should not be created if it exists
18 years |
jbarnold |
added vhost upon user request
18 years |
jbarnold |
18 years |
jbarnold |
fixing signup process
18 years |
jbarnold |
should not remove signup's AFS-based home directory on uninstall