Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

#98 closed defect (fixed)

athrun should exist on scripts servers

Reported by: ezyang Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: internals Keywords:


It doesn't. The Athena 9.4 rpms might work.

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 16 years ago by mitchb

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

The Athena 9.4 RPMs won't work. athrun is just a simple shell script that execs athdir. athdir, in turn, is not simple. It's a C program that makes use of libathdir, and has a lot of knowledge of various different conventions used by Athena lockers over the years, and is capable of figuring out the right directory to use for different types of files from a given locker, the most common being binaries.

The athena-athdir and athena-libathdir RPMs don't depend on anything else, and install fine on scripts servers. However, they don't choose the right directories; in the git locker, for example, it decided that the binaries would be under arch/i386_rhel4 instead of arch/i386_deb40.

So, instead, I made the simpler kludge of deciding that for the things people will generally want on scripts (and for the case I believe Edward has in mind), assuming that 'athrun foo bar' means you really want to run /mit/foo/bin/bar will be okay as a first pass. This won't work with lockers where the binaries are in /mit/locker/linuxbin for example.

It's packaged, committed to svn, built, uploaded to the fc9 repo, and installed on the F9 servers. It'll get to F11 after the next merge. But I think Edward may be disappointed to find that the git in the git locker doesn't work on scripts... on the other hand, git is installed locally there.

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