Opened 12 years ago

#324 new defect

Viewing git repos in a browser 404's

Reported by: adehnert Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: autoinstallers Keywords: starter, git, perl


When we autoinstall a git repo for you, we give you something that looks a lot like a URL you might open in your browser (, for example). If you visit it, however, you get a 404:

Not Found

The requested URL /git-auto/git-auto.git was not found on this server.

Now, in theory, there's no reason you would ever want to visit the git repo in the browser, and the repo works fine if you just clone it. However, it's a bit confusing. The autoinstaller should drop in an index.html that, if nothing else, says something like "This is a git repo. View it with git clone [...]". If we're really enthusiastic, we could probably drop in a gitweb instance or provide instructions on how to install it or something.

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