Opened 13 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#286 new defect

Better story for tracking cabal2spec updates

Reported by: ezyang Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: internals Keywords:


All of our Haskell packages no longer build on F17, and while the easiest way to fix these is to rebuild the spec files with cabal2spec, we also made our own changes, which are not recorded anywhere. We should figure out a better way of packaging our changes; for example, storing spec diffs, and treating the cabal2spec output as canonical. As for our current specfiles, maybe manually fixing them is the easiest thing to do (we wanted to run a three way merge but getting the ancestor is nontrivial, since F15's cabal2spec has since updated.)

Anders says it is likely that we used cabal2spec 0.22.5

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by andersk

FWIW, we put that information in the RPM changelog.

* Mon May  2 2011 Alexander Chernyakhovsky <> - 0.0.0-0
- regenerated packaging with cabal2spec-0.22.5

* Thu Sep  9 2010 Anders Kaseorg <> - 0.0.0-0
- initial packaging for Fedora automatically generated by cabal2spec-0.22.1

comment:2 Changed 13 years ago by ezyang

  • Milestone Fedora 17 deleted

Anders fixed our Haskell packages, so I'm unmilestoning this.

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