14 years |
geofft |
Certificate and vhost config for cook.bluechi.ps
14 years |
geofft |
Rename current scripts.key to scripts-1024.key.
* httpd.conf: Default ...
14 years |
geofft |
Update Blue Sun vhosts to new (4096-bit) key
14 years |
geofft |
Reify techfair, tf, and swe
14 years |
mitchb |
Certificate and Apache config for ec.mit.edu
14 years |
geofft |
Move sayno.mit.edu's locker
14 years |
geofft |
Reified vhosts for listmon and sayno
14 years |
andersk |
Reify fridget.mit.edu
14 years |
andersk |
Unreify bookspicker.mit.edu
15 years |
geofft |
Unreify queues and lpq vhosts
The site's been dead for ages -- at ...
15 years |
adehnert |
Add certificate for Finboard
15 years |
mitchb |
SSL certificate and config for asa.mit.edu
15 years |
ezyang |
Certificate and Apache config for quickprint.
15 years |
mitchb |
Certificate and Apache config for isawyou.mit.edu
15 years |
mitchb |
Certificate and Apache config for classmates.mit.edu
15 years |
mitchb |
Handle vhosts that have multiple defined aliases
15 years |
quentin |
Reify *.blue-sun-corp.com
15 years |
quentin |
Missed a ServerAlias
15 years |
quentin |
Handle vhosts that don't have any defined aliases
15 years |
geofft |
SSL cert and config for impact.mit.edu [help.mit.edu #1111633]
15 years |
geofft |
Punt textbooks.mit.edu's config because it is no longer on scripts
15 years |
geofft |
CSR and configuration for signup.mit.edu [help.mit.edu #1024298]
15 years |
quentin |
Goddamn hardcoded vhosts
15 years |
mitchb |
Certificate and SSL config for ai6034.mit.edu
15 years |
mitchb |
SSL config for bookspicker.mit.edu. The cert doesn't do much without it.
16 years |
mitchb |
Certificate and Apache config for metu.mit.edu
16 years |
geofft |
SSL cert and config for tours.mit.edu
16 years |
mitchb |
Remove expired test cert and config for geofft.mit.edu
16 years |
geofft |
Also delete the config
16 years |
geofft |
reified vhost for geofft.mit.edu
16 years |
mitchb |
Restructure so trunk of the repo is at /trunk, not / (part 1)
copied from server/fedora/config/etc/httpd/vhosts.d:
16 years |
geofft |
change docroot for next.mit.edu