17 years |
andersk |
Fix the stupid rpmbuild symlink bug.
17 years |
andersk |
Reapply selinux fix from r403.
17 years |
andersk |
Revert r403 pending discussion of its security implications.
17 years |
presbrey |
slight Makefile correction for suexec
17 years |
presbrey |
allow directives like SetEnv PYTHONPATH/PERL5LIB etc.
17 years |
geofft |
[help.mit.edu #493052] and [help.mit.edu #492897]
17 years |
geofft |
[help.mit.edu #487241]
17 years |
geofft |
[help.mit.edu #492121]
17 years |
andersk |
Add www.* names for non-mit.edu fake vhosts.
17 years |
andersk |
Clean up vhosts/ and bring it up to date.
17 years |
geofft |
I need more sleep
17 years |
geofft |
[help.mit.edu #491182]
17 years |
andersk |
Make lombana a real vhost.
17 years |
andersk |
Make lombana a real vhost.
17 years |
quentin |
Added vhost
17 years |
andersk |
Don't fail if signup user/group already exist.
17 years |
andersk |
Enable mod_auth_optional.
17 years |
andersk |
httpd module updates, including support for optional authentication.
17 years |
andersk |
Use apxs to build Apache modules.
17 years |
andersk |
picker and pickr.
17 years |
andersk |
Mention rails.
17 years |
andersk |
17 years |
andersk |
17 years |
andersk |
Allow mod_auth_sslcert configuration to be overridden in .htaccess.
17 years |
andersk |
bpope, kraplan, tabbott.
17 years |
presbrey |
new SQL signup and server
17 years |
quentin |
Created host conclave.mit.edu for apo per spang's request.
17 years |
jbarnold |
system:authuser doesn't need list access since system:anyuser has it
17 years |
andersk |
debathena and airlinedata
17 years |
geofft |
should fix the fakestat bug [help.mit.edu #460923]
17 years |
geofft |
Installed Django on the two servers.
17 years |
andersk |
Full mode should also show svnlook changes.
17 years |
andersk |
Add locker/sbin (currently the svn commit hooks) to the repository.
17 years |
andersk |
Add arch to the rpm list.
17 years |
andersk |
Reformat and sort rpm_snapshot for better version control.
Apologies ...
17 years |
geofft |
[help.mit.edu #464359]
17 years |
jbarnold |
improved documentation for scripts-izing a machine
17 years |
andersk |
Move localhost.key to scripts.key.
17 years |
andersk |
More useful certificate location.
17 years |
andersk |
aresnick and campusrcg.
17 years |
andersk |
Add burton-conner.
17 years |
andersk |
Fix path to nicholsl.
17 years |
presbrey |
provide header directives available to .htaccess files
17 years |
geofft |
Replace the huge SSH banner with a reference to the FAQ that contains ...
17 years |
quentin |
initial checkin of the update-system; not fully functional yetd
17 years |
geofft |
[help.mit.edu #463207]
17 years |
andersk |
We should be using port 444 for this.
17 years |
quentin |
Added vhost for no6.mit.edu
17 years |
quentin |
initial checkin of cron system
17 years |
quentin |
made scripts.mit.edu the default vhost instead of vhosts.mit.edu; ...
17 years |
andersk |
Add as an alias for sql.mit.edu, so we can remove the ...
17 years |
quentin |
add -t to cause temporary rather than permanent failures when ...
17 years |
jbarnold |
updated perl snapshot based on current scripts3
17 years |
geofft |
[help.mit.edu #455556]
17 years |
jbarnold |
updated Makefile to follow conventional Fedora build process more ...
17 years |
jbarnold |
keyutils-libs-devel needed for building krb5 on fc7
17 years |
geofft |
[help.mit.edu #453839]
17 years |
jbarnold |
17 years |
jbarnold |
17 years |
andersk |
17 years |
andersk |
17 years |
andersk |
Fix /~nelsongroup too.
17 years |
andersk |
Fix /~jbarnold and /~phone-project aliases.
17 years |
jbarnold |
17 years |
andersk |
jeffd.mit.edu and mistiblogs.mit.edu.
17 years |
andersk |
Move vhosts from jbarnold.conf to the right users.
17 years |
andersk |
Add powermems.mit.edu.
17 years |
presbrey |
renaming for svn clients that can't support colon pathnames
17 years |
jbarnold |
17 years |
andersk |
Use find -exec instead of find | xargs, and "$@" instead of $@.
17 years |
andersk |
Add l2t.mit.edu.
17 years |
andersk |
I was going to move SSLVerifyDepth 1 to vhosts-common-ssl.conf so ...
17 years |
andersk |
Remove authn_dbd_module.
17 years |
andersk |
CNAME: kumonga.com
17 years |
andersk |
vhosts port 444.
17 years |
andersk |
Accept certificates on port 444.
17 years |
presbrey |
CNAME: qpdev.mit.edu
17 years |
andersk |
Modularize scripts.mit.edu main vhost, and fix favicon.ico and ...
17 years |
andersk |
Delete old scripts-rm script (which was incomplete and had ...
17 years |
andersk |
Add scripts-remove from geofft.
17 years |
andersk |
Add drop-database.
17 years |
andersk |
urlencode some stuff.
17 years |
andersk |
net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time = 825.
17 years |
andersk |
Add bluelobsterbowl.
17 years |
geofft |
fix a regex
17 years |
quentin |
Allow / in Kerberos principals so that non-null instances can be used ...
17 years |
quentin |
Add a check command for hosts so that their status is properly logged ...
17 years |
quentin |
Move resource template to a better filename
17 years |
quentin |
ignoring resource.cfg because it contains a sensitive password
17 years |
quentin |
Added quentin and geofft as Nagios administrators.
17 years |
andersk |
Add ceyer.
17 years |
andersk |
Build openafs against latest (not running) kernel.
17 years |
andersk |
Add .xhtml to the list of static extensions.
17 years |
andersk |
17 years |
andersk |
eprom and india.
17 years |
andersk |
Add g-lab.mit.edu.
17 years |
andersk |
Add twomass.mit.edu.
17 years |
andersk |
Add hydrologygrads as a real vhost, since the user seemed to be ...
17 years |
geofft |
[help.mit.edu #430703]
17 years |
andersk |
Update psg.