

Oct 29, 2011:

10:18 PM Ticket #168 (scripts-cert-test IP address) closed by geofft
wontfix: scripts-cert implies you're using tilde URLs, which is deprecated. …
10:07 PM Changeset [2022] by geofft
Update location of Django admin media for Python 2.7 (Trac: #253)

Oct 26, 2011:

1:32 PM Changeset [2021] by andersk
Neuter setuid bits from /usr/libexec/kde4/kpac_dhcp_helper

Oct 23, 2011:

7:40 PM Ticket #206 (We forgot to keep disabling new PHP extensions) closed by andersk
fixed: Fixed in r2017, r2018.
2:54 AM Changeset [2020] by mitchb
Tune mod_fcgid parameters o Allow the number of fcgi processes for a given app to be pruned to zero if they go idle long enough (the default for this setting resulted in even idle fcgis sticking around forever) o Increase the idle timeout for fcgis to 10 minutes to match our LVS mapping persistence timeout o Cap the number of fcgis for any given app at 10, and force any fcgi to die after 10,000 requests to guard against resource leakage

Oct 21, 2011:

3:18 AM Ticket #257 (/usr/vice/cache can fail to mount) created by geofft
In checking up on assertions that running fsck on our ext2 AFS cache …
2:35 AM Ticket #256 (Make finger @scripts work with iptables script) closed by mitchb
invalid: You are very confused. We dealt with this forever ago. It even works …
12:08 AM Changeset [2019] by ezyang
Migration and formatting instructions.

Oct 20, 2011:

10:59 PM Ticket #256 (Make finger @scripts work with iptables script) created by ezyang
Real scripts doesn't run fingerd. […]
4:17 PM Changeset [2018] by andersk
Mention disabling PHP extensions in upgrade-tips (Trac: #206)
4:12 PM Changeset [2017] by andersk
Disable new PHP extensions for F15 (Trac: #206)
12:05 AM Ticket #255 (AFS cache partition) created by ezyang
This seems to work reasonably (no journaling since we don't care about …
12:04 AM Changeset [2016] by ezyang
Extra notes about LDAP.
12:02 AM Changeset [2015] by ezyang
Create AFS cache partitions for new servers.

Oct 19, 2011:

11:44 PM Ticket #254 (Drive a rusty spork through mbash, repeatedly, and dump it in a gutter.) created by andersk
mbash breaks gdb: […]
4:42 PM Changeset [2014] by achernya
Build xstat_* in OpenAFS The official OpenAFS spec file disgarded useful debugging tools. This patch is a backport of the specfile changes to keep these tools in the RPM.

Oct 18, 2011:

1:38 PM Changeset [2013] by ezyang
Certificate for hmmt.mit.edu
2:44 AM Ticket #253 (Django admin media missing on F15) created by geofft
http://scripts-test.mit.edu/__scripts/django/media/css/base.css and …
2:41 AM Ticket #252 (TurboGears FCGI stub needs to be updated for F15) created by geofft
Apparently commands.py is now command.py, so you need this tiny patch …
1:42 AM Ticket #247 (systemd parallel bootup breaks unspecified dependencies) closed by ezyang
fixed: Fixed in r2011. We still need to upstream though.
1:40 AM Changeset [2012] by ezyang
httpd 2.2.21 (was lying around)
1:39 AM Changeset [2011] by ezyang
Port OpenAFS to use systemd.
12:57 AM Changeset [2010] by geofft
php.d: Force the timezone to America/New_York When PHP 5.4.0 is released, PHP will refuse to "guess" time zone information from the TZ variable or from the OS (which on Linux would be /etc/timezone?), and this needs to either be set using a function or using a php.ini option. Since this behavior is deprecated in current versions of PHP, we might as well deal with it now.
12:11 AM Ticket #251 (phpBB is embarrassingly out of date) created by geofft
> [phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /index.php on line 86: date() …

Oct 17, 2011:

11:42 PM Ticket #250 (F15 comes with Rails 3) created by geofft
Our Rails autoinstaller doesn't work any more, since it assumes Rails …
7:57 PM Changeset [2009] by ezyang
Explicitly specify uid 103.
10:24 AM Changeset [2008] by achernya
Certificate renewal for ua.mit.edu
10:24 AM Changeset [2007] by achernya
Certificate renewal for twentytwelve.mit.edu
10:23 AM Changeset [2006] by achernya
Certificate renewal for sipb.mit.edu
10:22 AM Changeset [2005] by achernya
Certificate renewal for signup.mit.edu
10:22 AM Changeset [2004] by achernya
Certificate renewal for fridget.mit.edu
10:22 AM Changeset [2003] by achernya
Certificate renewal for cdsa.mit.edu
10:21 AM Changeset [2002] by achernya
Certificate renewal for barnowl.mit.edu

Oct 13, 2011:

10:24 AM Changeset [2001] by achernya
Scriptsify redland-bindings redland-bindings, which is the source package that provides php-redland, is broken upstream, which prevents the module from being used. This rebuild corrects this issue by changing zend_error_noreturn to zend_error.

Oct 11, 2011:

10:17 PM Changeset [2000] by achernya
Certificate and configuration for maseeh.mit.edu [help.mit.edu #1762329]

Oct 10, 2011:

10:03 PM Changeset [1999] by ezyang
Initial commit of credential cloning code.
1:47 AM Changeset [1998] by achernya
Update postfix configuration for 2.8.5

Oct 1, 2011:

1:54 PM Changeset [1997] by achernya
Actually delete the directories from r1996
1:53 PM Changeset [1996] by achernya
Remove sys/* from lvs The files in sys/* have not been used since r1194. There is no point keeping them around.

Sep 30, 2011:

8:18 PM Changeset [1995] by achernya
Update host installation instructions to mention exim4 configuration
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.