

May 8, 2008:

9:32 AM Ticket #71 (Install nss_nonlocal on scripts) closed by andersk
fixed: Done in r750 and r751.
9:28 AM Changeset [751] by andersk
Configure nsswitch.conf to use nss_nonlocal.
9:27 AM Changeset [750] by andersk
Add nss_nonlocal.

May 6, 2008:

11:10 PM Ticket #74 (foo@user.scripts.mit.edu should equal user+foo@scripts.mit.edu) created by quentin
We should make foo@… deliver mail to …
10:55 PM Changeset [749] by andersk
Nope. Don't care.
4:51 PM Ticket #73 (scripts test suite) created by andersk
It would be useful to have a scripts.mit.edu test suite, that lets us …

May 4, 2008:

9:44 PM Changeset [748] by andersk
Allow sending commits to instance rNNN or string.rNNN.
5:55 AM Changeset [747] by andersk
Correct usage message.
12:35 AM Changeset [746] by price
dang shell scripting
12:04 AM Changeset [745] by price
more never-committed changes from last time I don't know where these changes went. Reconstructed here.

May 3, 2008:

11:41 PM Changeset [744] by price
build-update: support prepatch script
11:03 PM Changeset [743] by njess
Updated wordpress installer for 2.5.1
9:25 PM Changeset [742] by njess
misc. uncommitted changes from April from acrefoot
7:42 PM Changeset [741] by njess
Added --dev argument to usage message

May 2, 2008:

7:19 PM Ticket #72 (https prompts for certificates way too often) created by andersk
With Firefox's new default of "ask every time" for client …
6:45 PM Changeset [740] by andersk
Update SSL configuration directives from Fedora's ssl.conf. Notably, disable SSLv2.
7:52 AM Changeset [739] by andersk

May 1, 2008:

8:22 AM Changeset [738] by andersk

Apr 30, 2008:

6:37 PM Changeset [737] by geofft
add a new Nagios timeperiod, 9x5
6:08 PM Changeset [736] by quentin
Initial import of munin AFS monitoring plugin
4:43 AM Ticket #71 (Install nss_nonlocal on scripts) created by andersk
Currently a hypothetical compromise of the LDAP server could be …

Apr 24, 2008:

3:06 PM Changeset [735] by quentin
hardcode SQL alerts to sql@mit.edu
12:36 AM Changeset [734] by andersk
Turn on KeepAlive for SSL and increase timeouts, to avoid pathological behavior with Firefox's new defaults for presenting certificates.

Apr 22, 2008:

11:55 PM Changeset [733] by geofft
* Sync the code structure in signup-minimal and onathena * Deal with $ATHENA_USER for Debathena * Always attempt to attach $lname

Apr 17, 2008:

4:16 AM Changeset [732] by andersk
Apparently defined(%hash) is deprecated.
4:10 AM Changeset [731] by andersk
Rewrite hesinfo parsing in perl.

Apr 13, 2008:

11:43 PM Ticket #70 (fully automate parallel-find.pl (all but getting tokens)) created by price
It'd be great if we could get the whole scripts-version list by just …
11:43 PM Ticket #69 (parallel-find hangs outside -c athena) created by price
When I run parallel-find.pl on my OS X, 10.4, laptop and it does a …
11:31 PM Ticket #67 (parallel-find.pl should be in svn, and have some tweaks) closed by price
fixed: Done in r724, r729, and r730. This means $ …
11:09 PM Changeset [730] by price
parallel-find.pl: do the next few steps too. * for each .scripts-version file, do an fs la and ignore if scripts-security-upd no longer has rlidwk * from each .scripts-version file, grab the version line and include that in the output. Still skips non-Athena-cell lockers. Why those finds hang for me (I still have about fifty finds in uninterruptible wait, hours later, despite attempting kill -9) remains an open problem.
9:29 PM Changeset [729] by price
more perl, less shell (for future enhancements) Temporarily I'm also ignoring stuff in e.g. the sipb cell, because for an undiagnosed reason those finds are hanging for me with my root tokens.
6:25 PM Changeset [728] by andersk
plz test ur files kthx

Apr 11, 2008:

3:03 AM Changeset [727] by andersk
I *thought* this line had too many non-punctuation characters to be valid Perl.
2:57 AM Ticket #68 (Trying to make a cert-protected WordPress results in a redirection loop) created by andersk
If you create a WordPress? (with or without price’s r725), and add a …

Apr 10, 2008:

2:18 AM Changeset [726] by geofft
Attach the locker before attempting to sign it up. (Previously it was only attached when running signup-* independently, rather than from deploy/bin/onathena.) This should fix the bug with non-automounting Athena machines not allowing group locker signups. There is some code from signup-minimal that is newer than the equivalent code in deploy/bin/onathena (e.g., the code path that runs attach "$lname" to ensure the locker is attachable); the common code should be refactored, or at least onathena should be synchronized.

Apr 9, 2008:

11:44 PM Changeset [725] by price
make WordPress compatible with $USER.scripts URIs
10:36 PM Changeset [724] by price
parallel-find.pl: work on Macs, and handle errors better * in find, use -print and a redirect rather than -fprint, which doesn't exist in the Mac's find * give a real error message when the directory exists, and die when we should
9:28 PM Changeset [723] by price
remove obsolete get-passwd.sh, parse-passwd.pl
9:27 PM Changeset [722] by price
import sec-tools scripts Two of these are obsolete, named with .old in /mit/scripts/sec-tools; I'm going to remove them in the next commit. But they'll be in the svn history here, which is better than lying around with .old names.
9:21 PM Changeset [721] by price
Remove self-obsoleted script scripts-patch.
9:20 PM Changeset [720] by price
Unscatter the update-system scripts.
9:12 PM Changeset [719] by price
upgrade commit-email.pl. This is the Subversion 1.5 upstream version, with my patch to support an option --summary for setting the subject line from the first line of the log message. Also has --stdout for testing without sending mail.

Apr 8, 2008:

3:03 PM Changeset [718] by quentin
Place resource.cfg inside the private subdirectory
3:03 PM Changeset [717] by quentin
Correct location for mail
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.