Custom Query (196 matches)


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Results (187 - 189 of 196)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#383 andersk fixed Konami code detection takes quadratic time in number of keystrokes

scripts-pony/scripts/templates/master.mak has a very inefficient Konami code detection easter egg that appends all keystrokes to a JavaScript? array. It should be rewritten to use the obvious 11-state Knuth–Morris–Pratt FSM.

This now also affects XVM, who copied this code.

#389 andersk fixed Enable HTTPS perfect forward secrecy

This is complicated by the requirement to keep SSLSessionTicketKeyFile out of persistent storage, rotate it frequently, and synchronize it across servers. It would also be nice to remember the last N old keys so that each rotation doesn’t force every user to establish a new SSL session. We’ll probably need to do some Apache development.

#424 leee leee fixed modify vhostadd/edit to use scripts-ldap instead of a scripts server

Doing this primarily to see if my patches work.

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