17 years |
quentin |
Enable munin apache graphing by turning on server-status
17 years |
andersk |
Remove SSLUserName, because mod_auth_sslcert is better and having the ...
17 years |
andersk |
SSLVerifyClient optional.
17 years |
andersk |
Add www.* names for non-mit.edu fake vhosts.
17 years |
andersk |
Make lombana a real vhost.
17 years |
andersk |
Enable mod_auth_optional.
17 years |
andersk |
Allow mod_auth_sslcert configuration to be overridden in .htaccess.
18 years |
andersk |
Move localhost.key to scripts.key.
18 years |
andersk |
More useful certificate location.
18 years |
presbrey |
provide header directives available to .htaccess files
18 years |
quentin |
made scripts.mit.edu the default vhost instead of vhosts.mit.edu; ...
18 years |
andersk |
I was going to move SSLVerifyDepth 1 to vhosts-common-ssl.conf so ...
18 years |
andersk |
Remove authn_dbd_module.
18 years |
andersk |
Accept certificates on port 444.
18 years |
andersk |
Modularize scripts.mit.edu main vhost, and fix favicon.ico and ...
18 years |
andersk |
Add heartbeat to scripts-cert.
18 years |
presbrey |
raised RLimitMEM
18 years |
geofft |
Debugging an HTTPS problem...
18 years |
andersk |
* Complete alias list for main SSL vhost.
* /heartbeat should only be ...
18 years |
geofft |
Include file to enable certificate authentication
18 years |
presbrey |
Default charset directive removed.
Minor cosmetic changes.
18 years |
andersk |
Add more ServerAliases to the main scripts.mit.edu virtual host.
18 years |
andersk |
Close the http://vhost/~wronguser hole.
18 years |
andersk |
Include common config files vhosts-common.conf and ...
18 years |
presbrey |
disable KeepAlives for HTTPS (MediaWiki+LVS+RandomPage bug)
18 years |
presbrey |
Apache: shorter keepalives (5s)
18 years |
presbrey |
Apache: disable keepalives
18 years |
presbrey |
fixed Alias and Redirect locality
18 years |
presbrey |
subversionized virtual hosts
startup script creates user sessions ...
18 years |
presbrey |
logview gets apache error logs
18 years |
presbrey |
auth_sslcert configuration
18 years |
presbrey |
18 years |
presbrey |
Some system configuration files from <better-mousetrap.mit.edu>