16 years |
geofft |
add mime types for Silverlight
16 years |
geofft |
Add xaml and xap as static files for Silverlight, per [help.mit.edu ...
16 years |
andersk |
git and svn don't need to set HOME anymore.
16 years |
andersk |
Replace {svnproxy,gitproxy} select() loop with a poll() loop, to catch ...
16 years |
andersk |
Call git daemon with no dash (dashed commands are removed in Git 1.6).
16 years |
andersk |
Check the right message length.
16 years |
andersk |
Check message length.
16 years |
andersk |
Support Git.
16 years |
andersk |
16 years |
andersk |
Search by objectClass (otherwise you get “Admin limit exceeded”).
16 years |
andersk |
Package the svn vhosting infrastructure into execsys.
17 years |
presbrey |
17 years |
andersk |
Add .svg.
18 years |
andersk |
Add .xhtml to the list of static extensions.
18 years |
andersk |
Remove static-cat entries from binfmt-misc, since they are no longer ...
18 years |
jbarnold |
also added mpg, mpeg, and avi
18 years |
jbarnold |
added extensions based on user requests (#400376, #405063)
18 years |
jbarnold |
correction to a correction!
18 years |
jbarnold |
minor spacing correction
18 years |
presbrey |
mono interpreter
18 years |
jbarnold |
removed autogenerated execsys.conf from repo; added capitalized ext ...
18 years |
jbarnold |
added JPG based on scripts@mit.edu request
18 years |
tabbott |
The delections associated with that last move
18 years |
tabbott |
Add tags so that it's a happy initscript for Debian as well as Fedora
18 years |
tabbott |
Initial revision of execsys package for debian
18 years |
presbrey |
upd-execsys bug fix
renamed staticsys-cat from sbin to bin to avoid ...
18 years |
tabbott |
Modifying Fedora specfiles to use the make install targets created by ...
18 years |
tabbott |
Makefile.in changes to make things more portable. Added install, ...
18 years |
jbarnold |
Improved package dependency tracking
18 years |
jbarnold |
improved execsys init script
18 years |
jbarnold |
added support for .cgi files
18 years |
jbarnold |