17 years |
quentin |
+ kaleidoscope [help.mit.edu #525765]
17 years |
quentin |
Adding cerebro.mit.edu vhost for ~ypod/projects
17 years |
andersk |
Use ldapi:// url.
17 years |
andersk |
Re-enable sendfile now that it works.
17 years |
andersk |
Implement splice_write and splice_read so that sendfile() works on ...
17 years |
andersk |
Apparently sendfile() breaks with kernel 2.6.23 and openafs 1.4.5.
17 years |
andersk |
find -noleaf.
17 years |
andersk |
Bump to OpenAFS 1.4.5.
17 years |
andersk |
Add other rtfm CNAMEs.
17 years |
quentin |
Add legatum vhost
17 years |
andersk |
Move cluedumps docroot.
17 years |
quentin |
Add smart monitoring to munin
17 years |
andersk |
Check for successful response from signup backend.
17 years |
andersk |
apacheDocumentRoot: $homedir/web_scripts
17 years |
andersk |
Add b-m and o-f aliases.
17 years |
andersk |
dcdw.mit.edu, weird.mit.edu.
17 years |
quentin |
Remove Setup.php patch that was committed upstream
17 years |
quentin |
Use new /mit/scripts/deploy format
Use full path to files in ...
17 years |
quentin |
Prepend system:scripts-root instead of append, so it will work even ...
17 years |
quentin |
Remove spurious space.
17 years |
quentin |
Allow system:scripts-root to connect to any user account.
17 years |
andersk |
Make work, for Munin monitoring.
17 years |
andersk |
17 years |
andersk |
17 years |
andersk |
17 years |
andersk |
Remarkably, Perl does have a few syntactical restrictions.
17 years |
geofft |
fix banned-user parsing, per quentin
17 years |
andersk |
Not used anymore.
17 years |
andersk |
Oops, clean up a few things from r484.
17 years |
andersk |
Make new signups go to LDAP!
17 years |
andersk |
17 years |
geofft |
allow /~user with no trailing slash to work
17 years |
andersk |
ou=vhosts -> ou=VirtualHosts.
17 years |
andersk |
Hard-code ~username for LDAP vhosts.
17 years |
andersk |
Build mod_vhost_ldap.
17 years |
andersk |
Import mod_vhost_ldap 1.2.0.
17 years |
geofft |
more ldap chocolatey goodness
17 years |
andersk |
Don't IndexIgnore HEADER* README*.
17 years |
andersk |
Add $email variable.
17 years |
andersk |
Uncurl gallery2.
17 years |
andersk |
File::Path for mkpath and rmtree.
17 years |
andersk |
More joomla cleanup.
17 years |
andersk |
Uncurl advancedbook, advancedpoll, e107, joomla, phpbb.
17 years |
andersk |
ifcfg-lo_0 -> ifcfg-lo:0 so it comes up on boot.
17 years |
andersk |
Uncurl mediawiki.
17 years |
andersk |
deploydev -> deploy
17 years |
andersk |
Uncurl wordpress installer.
17 years |
andersk |
17 years |
andersk |
Prepare to get rid of curl.
17 years |
andersk |
Sync svn with locker.
17 years |
andersk |
As it turns out, bash sucks too.
17 years |
andersk |
ssh sucks.
17 years |
andersk |
Things that give me nightmares, volume 462.
17 years |
andersk |
Things that give me nightmares, volume 461.
17 years |
andersk |
Nothing uses this anymore.
17 years |
andersk |
Things that give me nightmares, volume 459.
17 years |
andersk |
Things that give me nightmares, volume 458.
17 years |
andersk |
Things that give me nightmares, volume 457.
17 years |
quentin |
mediawiki 1.11 installer + improvements to installer system
17 years |
geofft |
prelim ldap stuff
17 years |
geofft |
prelim ldap stuff
17 years |
andersk |
17 years |
quentin |
Make directories for each package
17 years |
price |
put deploy patches in source control
start with the mediawiki patches.
17 years |
andersk |
Rewrite admof to suck somewhat less. In particular, do pts membership ...
17 years |
geofft |
[help.mit.edu #504930]
17 years |
quentin |
Good thing "due" isn't a command, so it killed the script just as ...
17 years |
quentin |
Silly typos...
17 years |
quentin |
Autoupgrade system, draft 1
17 years |
geofft |
[help.mit.edu #506236]
17 years |
geofft |
[help.mit.edu #505661]
17 years |
geofft |
I am totally incompetent
17 years |
geofft |
17 years |
geofft |
[help.mit.edu #502989]
17 years |
geofft |
[help.mit.edu #500840]
17 years |
geofft |
[help.mit.edu #504448]
17 years |
andersk |
The time has come that sshmic fails to work on more machines than it ...
17 years |
andersk |
Add OpenSSH multihomed patch (derived from asedeno) to enable ssh to ...
17 years |
andersk |
Fix dir config merging in mod_auth_sslcert.
17 years |
andersk |
Quick hack to support users with multiple filsys entries.
17 years |
andersk |
savetfp and marsgravity.
17 years |
geofft |
[help.mit.edu #494786]
17 years |
andersk |
Backquotes and regular expressions are SHIT.
17 years |
quentin |
Added custom LVS monitoring script for munin
17 years |
quentin |
Changed host groups to be more accurate
17 years |
quentin |
Added service checks, including SSH and SSL certificate expiration.
17 years |
quentin |
Added quentin, geofft's pager numbers and added links to MRTG graphs ...
17 years |
quentin |
Added an "afs" time period for everything except scheduled AFS outages.
17 years |
andersk |
Add more users to aliases.
17 years |
andersk |
Not sure what this is, but it's on both servers.
17 years |
andersk |
Kerberos config from o-f.
17 years |
quentin |
Tell users when they don't have tickets or don't exist
17 years |
quentin |
Update root mail recipients
17 years |
quentin |
Enabling magic sysrq
17 years |
quentin |
Removing arbitrary limits (to sync repository to actual state)
17 years |
quentin |
Committing live hosts file (was same on both servers)
17 years |
quentin |
Committing unknown change (rpm upgrade?); it's true on both servers.
17 years |
quentin |
Enable munin apache graphing by turning on server-status
17 years |
quentin |
Added munin configuration for monitoring apache
17 years |
presbrey |
added cname on repl