
From MIT Pagan Students' Group
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On Saturday, January 31, from 7:00pm to 10:00 pm we will be having a Druid Imbolc ritual at the MIT Chapel.

Imbolc is the most simple and quiet of the eight seasonal festivals, and the only druid festival that is devoted entirely to the goddess. We call to her from the cold of winter to return to earth once again, and to bless us with the warmth and beauty of spring. We see her face in the snowdrop, the first flower that blooms at this time. We cleanse ourselves in her water that we may be purified and light the flame that symbolizes her holy spirit. We invoke her through ritual and poetry. As one heart we come together from the time of darkness to welcome the first rays of light.

After the ritual there will be a celebration of the arts dedicated to the goddess Brighid, who is patroness of the bards. If you so desire, please bring any poetry, songs, or stories you wish to share to commemorate the time of Imbolc. Druids consider the gift of inspiration to be especially sacred and the arts a fit form to invoke and honor the gods.

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