Changes between Version 4 and Version 6 of Ticket #273

May 23, 2012, 12:57:09 AM (12 years ago)


  • Ticket #273 – Description

    v4 v6  
    11Things that have been noticed so far:
    3 * Kickstart and kernel options needed some updates to work in the new-world order. Uncommitted necessary changes are living at and conan-obrien's Xen checkout. I've also switched our command line syntax, so instead of 'install=f15' you only say 'install=15' (and if you want Rawhide, you can say 'install=rawhide'); and kernels are dropped in fedora-X-install. If we need to generalize to other OSes we can change this again.
     3* Fedora switched to GPT partition tables by default; turn it off by passing kernel flag 'nogpt'. This is uncommitted on c-o. Ideally, we should just forgo partition tables altogether, which Mitch claims is not too difficult to do, but which I haven't figured out how yet.
    5 * Fedora switched to GPT partition tables by default; this requires a 1MB 'biosboot' partition. I've switched to manually creating msdos partition labels on both disks and having Fedora use those (which allows us to avoid adding an extra partition). Ideally, we should just forgo partition tables altogether, which Mitch claims is not too difficult to do, but which I haven't figured out how yet.
     5* Xen needs this patch series unfortunately they haven't been backported to Xen 4.0 or Xen 4.1 yet. (We specifically need only patches 2, 4 and 5). Otherwise you won't be able to boot because the bootloader returns no data. Currently c-o has had its pygrub manually patched with these two patches; we should talk to backports or package up these changes ourselves. The idea is to just install another pygrub, and then ask Xen to use it instead.
    7 * Xen needs this patch series unfortunately they haven't been backported to Xen 4.0 or Xen 4.1 yet. (We specifically need only patches 2, 4 and 5). Otherwise you won't be able to boot because the bootloader returns no data. Currently c-o has had its pygrub manually patched with these two patches; we should talk to backports or package up these changes ourselves.
    9 * OpenAFS doesn't compile with Rawhide kernel due to GPL only symbol rcu_sched_lock_map
     7* Selinux isn't being disabled ​