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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#194 andersk fixed Disable mail to *

Many sendmail installations, including MIT’s, canonicalize eviluser@… to eviluser@…, which currently works like eviluser@…. People shouldn’t be able to get an email address at a domain that isn’t theirs without permission, so we should disable mail received at

#221 adehnert fixed Put the apt repo signing key somewhere reasonable

At the moment, achernya has the apt repo signing key on his laptop. We should put it somewhere more useful.

See discussion 2011-09-09 on -c scripts -i apt.

  1. Stick it in the locker
    1. Unencrypted (protected by AFS ACLs to scripts-root)
    2. Encrypted to maintainer's keys
  2. Stick it on the hosts
  3. Stick it on the Fedora guests
  4. Stick it on some build VM or server
    1. scripts-owned hardware in SMR
    2. Shared (eg, zulu/magrathea)
  5. Something else
  6. Have each maintainer store it themselves

(3) is a bit silly. Other than that, I think they were all vaguely acceptable. One concern is whether a signed repo with a leaked key is worse than an unsigned repo (if it isn't, then being insecure is vaguely okay). (4) should ideally avoid having a single un-backed-up VM that needs to not vanish, by storing the key elsewhere.

#250 geofft fixed F15 comes with Rails 3

Our Rails autoinstaller doesn't work any more, since it assumes Rails 2 command lines.

Rails 2 sites don't work any more.

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