Custom Query (196 matches)


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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#62 andersk fixed Unbreak phpMyAdmin

The phpMyAdmin installation(s) in the sql locker are old and somewhat screwed up. geofft was going to fix this but he went to sleep, so I’m recording the necessary steps here as a reminder.

  • svn co
  • Copy to
    • Set $cfg['blowfish_secret'] to a secure random value.
    • Set $cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = ''
    • Set $cfg['Servers'][$i]['extension'] = 'mysqli'
    • Set $cfg['ForceSSL'] = TRUE
  • Copy /etc/php.ini to php.ini.
    • Add the mcrypt and mysqli extensions.

The patches and .htaccess redirect are then unnecessary, and future upgrades will be as simple as svn up. (Example: <>.)

#96 ezyang fixed will fail to find new-style autoinstalls

New style autoinstalls will not have .scripts-version files in them; instead, they will have a .git directory in them. Parallel find should be updated for this fact. It's unclear if the presence of .git is enough information to say conclusively if it's an autoinstall.

#115 geofft fixed actively break sudo for users who aren't supposed to

PAM is a good choice here.

So is replacing our uses of sudo internally (like LDAP backups from the scripts locker) with setuid wrappers, and making sudo not setuid a la Linerva. We know what's in /etc/sudoers, so we can do this.

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