Custom Query (196 matches)


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Results (4 - 6 of 196)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#136 geofft fixed PHP 5.3 mysqlnd requires new-style passwords

The servers currently have old_passwords=1 set in the mysqld configuration for compatibility with MySQL 3.x and 4.x clients. The MySQL native driver in PHP 5.3 only knows how to deal with new-style passwords; this will probably bite us hard when we move to PHP 5.3 as part of upgrading to Fedora 13.

We'll need to either figure out if we can do the backward-compatible but insecure hack of making PHP clients able to use old-style passwords (disable the native driver? patch it?), or if we can drop support for MySQL clients that don't support new-style passwords, i.e., 4.0.x and below.

#208 achernya geofft fixed We deleted the known_hosts file

And so autoinstalls prompt about host keys. We should fix this.

#247 achernya fixed systemd parallel bootup breaks unspecified dependencies

systemd provides a significantly faster bootup---but it breaks all assumptions about start-ordering. Specifically, this breaks our crond, which depends on afs being up so that it can be started with tokens. This can be corrected by upgrading the openafs-clients startup script to systemd. A nearly-complete but improperly packaged version exists in OpenAFS Gerrit.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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