

May 6, 2017:

5:12 AM Changeset [2841] by andersk
Read a per-user mailbox_command from LDAP scriptsMailboxCommand is currently generated as an operational attribute using the following CoS template in LDAP: dn: cn=scriptsMailboxCommandTemplate,ou=People,dc=scripts,dc=mit,dc=edu cn: scriptsMailboxCommandTemplate objectClass: top objectClass: cosTemplate objectClass: extensibleObject scriptsmailboxcommand: /usr/bin/procmail -t -p -a "${EXTENSION}" ~/mail_scripts/procmailrc dn: cn=scriptsMailboxCommandCoS,ou=People,dc=scripts,dc=mit,dc=edu cn: scriptsMailboxCommandCoS objectClass: top objectClass: ldapSubEntry objectClass: cosSuperDefinition objectClass: cosPointerDefinition costemplatedn: cn=scriptsMailboxCommandTemplate,ou=People,dc=scripts,dc=mit,dc=edu cosAttribute: scriptsMailboxCommand operational-default

Apr 25, 2017:

3:30 AM Changeset [2840] by andersk
Revert "Add Scripts-IP for debugging purposes (identify real server, no X- prefix as that is deprecated by IETF)" This header never served its intended purpose; it’s always This reverts r2270.

Apr 23, 2017:

12:31 AM Changeset [2839] by andersk
Provide a SCRIPTS_REMOTE_MITNET variable This can be used by putting ‘Require env SCRIPTS_REMOTE_MITNET’ in .htaccess.

Apr 19, 2017:

5:00 PM Ticket #430 (Things to update for split) created by andersk
* server/fedora/config/etc/named.conf (r2838) * …
4:50 PM Changeset [2838] by andersk
named.conf: Update for split

Apr 10, 2017:

4:56 AM Changeset [2837] by andersk
Improve Content-Type and Content-Encoding headers Since Chrome has started decompressing tarballs served with Content-Encoding: x-gzip on download, we don’t want to be sending that by default. Remove all the custom AddType and AddEncoding directives from httpd.conf (let it pick up MIME types from /etc/mime.types). Do not set Content-Encoding in static-cat, and fix some of the hard-coded MIME types there.
4:34 AM Changeset [2836] by andersk
Remove the old C version of static-cat
1:04 AM Changeset [2835] by andersk
Add a custom error page for disabled accounts
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