

Mar 13, 2017:

12:36 AM Changeset [2832] by andersk
server/doc/package-build-howto: minor fixes (Can you tell that these are test commits?)
12:20 AM Changeset [2831] by andersk
Update server/doc/adding-static-exts

Mar 6, 2017:

4:26 PM Changeset [2830] by andersk
/etc/aliases: Block xavid (mail forwarding loop)

Feb 28, 2017:

3:55 PM Changeset [2829] by andersk
Clean old crash dumps from /var/crash automatically

Feb 26, 2017:

2:54 AM Ticket #429 (Patch journald to use less disk per user?) created by adehnert
journald creates and grows journal files in 8MB chunks. Since each …

Feb 23, 2017:

1:32 AM Changeset [2828] by andersk
d_zroot: Ignore export-scripts-certs
1:23 AM Changeset [2827] by achernya
Block more spammy users
1:22 AM Changeset [2826] by andersk
sudoers: Allow scripts to sudo /etc/httpd/export-scripts-certs
1:18 AM Changeset [2825] by andersk
export-scripts-certs: use a lock file; reload Apache on changes
12:40 AM Changeset [2824] by andersk
d_zroot: Ignore accepted public key messages
12:19 AM Changeset [2823] by andersk
rpm-master.sh, rpmlist.sh: Improve shell hygiene

Feb 16, 2017:

12:32 AM Changeset [2822] by andersk
httpd.conf: Make sure scripts.mit.edu vhost is not overridden from LDAP
12:07 AM Changeset [2821] by andersk
export-scripts-certs: Add many more sanity checks
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.