

Sep 18, 2016:

7:19 AM Changeset [2781] by andersk
Update CellServDB

Sep 13, 2016:

4:29 PM Changeset [2780] by andersk
Certificates and configuration for ensemble [help.mit.edu #4015227]

Sep 11, 2016:

6:18 PM Changeset [2779] by achernya
Experimental, manual let's encrypt for achernya.com This is a test to make sure that we can use certbot to manually issue certificates for use on scripts.mit.edu. The exact mechanism here was not quite right, but the important thing to check was that scripts' load balancing did not interfere.
5:03 PM Changeset [2778] by achernya
tdc mailloop, blackhole
4:32 PM Changeset [2777] by achernya
Still sourcing spam

Sep 3, 2016:

4:39 PM Changeset [2776] by achernya
Blacklist more backscatter
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.