

Jul 25, 2014:

11:27 PM Changeset [2543] by andersk
Bump httpd.spec.patch for new httpd release 2.4.10-1

Jul 22, 2014:

7:00 AM Changeset [2542] by andersk
reify-vhost.py: Remove the other SSLCertificateChainFile line too
2:48 AM Changeset [2541] by achernya
Apache SSL configuration cleanup. Fixes SNI on httpd 2.4

Jul 18, 2014:

3:31 AM Changeset [2540] by achernya
Certificate and configuration for roost-test.mit.edu

Jul 13, 2014:

12:52 AM Changeset [2539] by achernya
rere roost, per davidben

Jul 10, 2014:

1:53 AM Changeset [2538] by adehnert
Enable multi-line LDAP MMR nagios checks In concert with sipb-nagios' https://github.com/sipb-noc/nagios/commit/bb75e84973f30c900bea03a703ac51840340845d, this enables multi-line LDAP MMR zephyrs.

Jul 4, 2014:

11:21 PM Changeset [2537] by achernya
ctype extension used to be enabled on F17, can't be disabled on F20
3:56 PM Ticket #390 (/__scripts/icons missing on F20) closed by achernya
fixed: Fixed in r2536.
3:55 PM Changeset [2536] by achernya
Fix /__scripts/icons (Closes: #390)
3:55 PM Changeset [2535] by achernya
myhostname is a new nss module for systemd
3:52 PM Ticket #330 (Port scripts to httpd 2.4) closed by achernya
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.