

Sep 4, 2009:

2:42 PM Changeset [1313] by geofft
Make the [mysql] to [client] change everywhere that writes .my.cnf
2:08 PM Changeset [1312] by geofft
Use [client] header instead of [mysql] in .my.cnf This unbreaks mysqldump, and makes various other MySQL clients happy, without breaking mysql

Sep 2, 2009:

12:33 AM Changeset [1311] by mitchb
SSL config for bookspicker.mit.edu. The cert doesn't do much without it.

Sep 1, 2009:

3:08 PM Changeset [1310] by geofft
SSL certificate for bookspicker.mit.edu

Aug 28, 2009:

12:41 PM Changeset [1309] by presbrey
12:39 PM Changeset [1308] by presbrey
add nagios check sql.mit.edu SSL certificate

Aug 26, 2009:

1:49 AM Changeset [1307] by geofft
certificate renewals

Aug 25, 2009:

8:18 AM Changeset [1306] by mitchb
Upgrade Apache to 2.2.13; don't patch in SNI support anymore And we thought the day would never come!

Aug 21, 2009:

3:43 PM Changeset [1305] by geofft
Don't zephyr -c scripts-spew about sudo from root. Because we usually use su anyway, and that doesn't zephyr, and because you can always sudo -i, this isn't particularly useful. It's also extremely noisy (sufficiently noisy as to make you want to ignore the rest of -c scripts-spew) when Wizard runs.

Aug 17, 2009:

10:18 PM Changeset [1304] by quentin
Use Python 2.5-compatible kill
10:00 PM Changeset [1303] by quentin
Kill all svn child processes when exiting
8:43 PM Changeset [1302] by quentin
basename != dirname

Aug 16, 2009:

10:00 PM Changeset [1301] by geofft
Actually unblock reuter from sending (not just receiving) mail [help.mit.edu #985700]
2:35 PM Changeset [1300] by geofft
Unblock golem from receiving mail (discussed with him over zephyr)
2:32 PM Changeset [1299] by geofft
Unblock reuter from sending mail [help.mit.edu #985700]
5:06 AM Changeset [1298] by mitchb
Deploy Ruby on Rails autoinstaller (Merge of r1294:1297 from branches/locker-dev to trunk)
4:52 AM Changeset [1297] by mitchb
Final pre-deploy touchups to the Ruby on Rails autoinstaller o Don't use a custom ErrorDocument that implies all problems are Rails. o Tell users what directory their app is in. o Tell users to ssh to scripts to run the Rails tools. o Edit the initial welcome page to avoid talking about database creation and sqlite.

Aug 15, 2009:

2:34 PM Changeset [1296] by mitchb
fedora-ds is now 389-ds - "People like alphanumeric digits"

Aug 12, 2009:

5:44 AM Changeset [1295] by mitchb
Ruby on Rails autoinstaller! (but I...)

Aug 10, 2009:

8:54 PM Changeset [1294] by mitchb
We got nss-ldapd into Fedora! Stop building it from OpenSuSE.
6:50 AM Changeset [1293] by mitchb
Certificate and Apache config for metu.mit.edu

Aug 7, 2009:

10:00 AM Changeset [1292] by mitchb
Weight r-m the same as p-b and b-b because they're all uniprocessors LVS shows that r-m is consistently handling far more connections than p-b or b-b, as it should since we've been weighting them by amount of RAM. Unfortunately, the AMD SMP hangs have caused us to make these VMs uniprocessors, and I suspect that r-m's repeated brief SVN hiccups are due to handling more load than it's prepared for. So, until we can run SMPs again, number of virtual cores trumps amount of RAM.

Aug 6, 2009:

10:54 AM Changeset [1291] by mitchb
Stop using the Fedora mirrors; they suck The mirrors lag behind the package release announcements by a disappointing time window, and MirrorManager is notorious for picking bad/slow/out-of-date mirrors. We'll use one of Fedora's masters for now.
10:51 AM Changeset [1290] by mitchb
Put -updates and -updates-testing repo configs under version control

Aug 5, 2009:

11:21 PM Ticket #96 (parallel-find.pl will fail to find new-style autoinstalls) closed by ezyang
fixed: Fixed.
1:04 AM Changeset [1289] by mitchb
OpenSUSE bumped the nss-ldapd release again? Shocking! 6.4->6.5
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.