

Nov 2, 2008:

4:02 PM Changeset [868] by quentin
Ignore all partitions mounted under /mnt
3:26 PM Changeset [867] by quentin
Update postfix configuration for version 2.5.1
3:25 PM Changeset [866] by quentin
Use scripts yum repository (yay!)
3:24 PM Changeset [865] by quentin
Use sudo to monitor hardware sensors for munin
3:23 PM Changeset [864] by quentin
Ignore f7root partitions when checking disk space

Nov 1, 2008:

10:15 PM Changeset [863] by xavid
Took out the atime thing, which is not relevant for recent kernels, apparently.
9:44 PM Changeset [862] by xavid
Reload iptables to nix firewall.
8:48 PM Changeset [861] by xavid
Documentation impovements.
7:43 PM Changeset [860] by quentin
Update dependencies for f9
7:42 PM Changeset [859] by quentin
Update openssh and execsys spec files
4:38 PM Changeset [858] by quentin
Fetch compat-readline43 from mirror, and download mit-zephyr from scripts
4:17 PM Changeset [857] by quentin
User is named scripts-build...
4:14 PM Changeset [856] by quentin
Add .rpmmacros file for configuring the rpmbuild user

Oct 28, 2008:

2:00 AM Changeset [855] by andersk
Make suexec log scripts without execute permission (the group x-bit, which was copied from the original user x-bit by the AFS patch).

Oct 27, 2008:

2:28 PM Changeset [854] by geofft
Add a script to convert LDAP vhosts into <VirtualHost> blocks, so it's easy to add SSL server certs to vhosts

Oct 23, 2008:

8:32 PM Changeset [853] by andersk
Put the children out of their misery.

Oct 8, 2008:

3:01 PM Changeset [852] by andersk
Call git daemon with no dash (dashed commands are removed in Git 1.6).
2:55 PM Changeset [851] by andersk
Check the right message length.
2:45 PM Changeset [850] by andersk
Check message length.
2:34 PM Changeset [849] by andersk
Support Git.

Oct 7, 2008:

3:05 PM Changeset [848] by andersk
Unrevert STABLE14-linux-fakestat-avoid-mtpt-fillin-issue-20080415 and add /afs/andrew.cmu.edu/usr/shadow/scripts-enoent-2.diff to fix the ENOENT bug. [r846 was actually the ENOTDIR bug.]
2:50 AM Changeset [847] by andersk
Run munin as an unprivileged user with sudo for root access when necessary

Oct 6, 2008:

11:44 PM Changeset [846] by andersk
Apply /afs/andrew.cmu.edu/usr/shadow/fill-inode.diff, fixing the ENOENT bug.

Oct 5, 2008:

11:02 PM Changeset [845] by andersk
Use the local LDAP server (as is already the case on both servers).
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.