Custom Query (196 matches)


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Results (145 - 147 of 196)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#103 fixed Logging into Trac takes you back to the main page andersk

If you visit an autoinstalled Trac, go to a subpage, and log in, you are taken back to that Trac’s main page. I used to think this was an annoying Trac “feature”, but actually upstream Trac works properly, leaving you on the same page when you log in.

#383 fixed Konami code detection takes quadratic time in number of keystrokes andersk

scripts-pony/scripts/templates/master.mak has a very inefficient Konami code detection easter egg that appends all keystrokes to a JavaScript? array. It should be rewritten to use the obvious 11-state Knuth–Morris–Pratt FSM.

This now also affects XVM, who copied this code.

#341 duplicate Keep updated our supported autoinstallers adehnert

We currently have several autoinstallers that aren't up-to-date with their upstream. We should keep them updated.

Some options include:

  • making updating things easier, through technical measures and/or better documenting Wizard
  • make this a non-issue by desupporting a bunch of autoinstallers (at the moment, this would probably mean gallery2 and phpbb, since MediaWiki? and WordPress? are uber-popular, and Git, Trac, TurboGears?, Django, and Rails probably all just ~symlink to Fedora packages)
  • make this less of an issue by advertising two tiers of support, and relegating the things we barely care about and suck at updating to a lower tier of support
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