Custom Query (196 matches)


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Results (127 - 129 of 196)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#139 fixed phpMyAdmin caches failed passwords for some reason xavid

If you try to log into phpMyAdmin with the wrong password, later attempts with the correct password will fail unless you delete your cookie, which is quite cryptic. No idea why.

#140 fixed Pony: Stop telling people to decide between CNAME and A records andersk

“You can request a non-MIT hostname, but you'll have to register the hostname yourself and configure it's DNS with a CNAME record for "" or an A record for's IP address,”

This isn’t useful to the typical user; the choice between CNAME and A is just confusing. Also, there are too many caveats associated with CNAMEs (canonicalization will kill most of your incoming mail, and you can’t use them at the top of a zone). We should just tell all users to use A records.

If for some reason we want to document that CNAMEs are supported even though they’re strictly inferior, we can put that information in an FAQ somewhere, but it shouldn’t be on the Pony form.

#142 fixed Add monitoring for failure of the backend network mitchb

We don't presently have a Nagios test that will alert us if there's a failure of the backend network switch, or the backend interface on an individual server. All the probes for will still pass because they run over the public network.

We should use some plugin to run a 'select 1;' or something similarly trivial on each scripts server.

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