Custom Query (196 matches)


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Results (112 - 114 of 196)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#126 worksforme o hai i hacked ur servers mitchb quentin

im a systems administrator and u suck

#125 fixed Set up issue tracking for private Trac tickets andersk

Keeping private issues in memory and secret zephyr classes is lossy. We should set up a private Trac or add a plugin to the existing Trac that lets us keep private tickets.

#124 fixed Update or punt phpical autoinstaller adehnert

Our phpical installer is currently version 2.22, which appears to date from July 2006. Version 2.31 was released January 2009. We should either update the autoinstaller or punt it based (if few people use it or we conclude upstream is too stagnant).

phpical also appears to now be phpicalendar, so the autoinstaller should possibly get renamed at the same time.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.