Custom Query (196 matches)


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Results (109 - 111 of 196)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#86 fixed Running multiple autoinstalled instances of Trac causes them all to look the same xavid

This is because the trac.fcgis are all symlinks to the same executable, so Apache thinks they're the same script and reuses old processes from one site for the other site. A simple solution is to copy /mit/scripts/deploy/trac/trac.fcgi into place instead of symlinking it.

#117 fixed Review and deploy Haskell static-cat andersk

A Haskell version static-cat has been written, benchmarked, packaged, and tested on b-b, so it’s blocking on review.

It adds support for Content-Encoding, If-Modified-Since, Range, If-Range, and REQUEST_METHOD. It should be easy to extend into a solution for the static content half of #60, at which point it could also support FastCGI with a two-line change if we decide we want that. Also, it has teh monadz.

#279 fixed Renumber local users on Scripts servers elefthei achernya

As of Fedora 16, user accounts start at UID/GID 1000 instead of 500. We need to check for any programs that make assumptions about UIDs and GIDs and correct them. See for more details.

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