Custom Query (196 matches)


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Results (100 - 102 of 196)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#19 wontfix Subversion autoinstaller broder

"For a while I've had this idea of turning Apache into a FastCGI server, that gets invoked by going to some URL on a parent Apache. This would allow users to run Apache under their own UID with an arbitrary configuration, without putting it on a separate port and worrying about how to make it persistent over server restarts. For example, they could enable mod_dav_svn and host a Subversion repo that way. It would be the ultimate manifestation of the scripts philosophy that you should be able to install and configure whatever the hell you want."

(Taken from RT 457498)

#128 fixed Several tickets fail to display now (due to SensitiveTickets plugin bug) andersk

Tickets #1 and #2 (at least) in this Trac are broken. We should fix them.

scripts / trac-#127 / adehnert  22:36  (Alex Dehnert)
    adehnert filed a new ticket:
    ttants: 1, 687224 should be aware that ticket number 1 is
    not the same as number 687224.
scripts / trac-not-#127 / andersk  01:20  (Anders Kaseorg)
scripts / trac-not-#127 / andersk  01:21  (Anders Kaseorg)
    Oh, I bet it complains that ticket 687224 doesn’t exist because it’s
    trying to linkify the text “[ #687224]” in the comment.
scripts / trac-not-#127 / quentin  01:22  (Quentin Smith)
    Oh. It's probably trying to check the permissions on that link...
scripts / trac-not-#127 / quentin  01:22  (Quentin Smith)
    (I didn't disable that part of the sensitivetickets plugin...)
scripts / trac-not-#127 / andersk  01:22  (Anders Kaseorg)
    Why… does it care about the permissions on that link?
scripts / trac-not-#127 / quentin  01:23  (Quentin Smith)
    Presumably because it's trying to find out the title and state of the
    tickets so it can put a TITLE on the link?
#125 fixed Set up issue tracking for private Trac tickets andersk

Keeping private issues in memory and secret zephyr classes is lossy. We should set up a private Trac or add a plugin to the existing Trac that lets us keep private tickets.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.