Custom Query (196 matches)


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Results (97 - 99 of 196)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#100 wontfix .txt should be a trusted extension ezyang

The primary concern with this is that the behavior of has been to disallow .txt files, so user expectation may be in this direction. Thus, I am curious:

  1. How support requests we have gotten because someone published a txt file and it wasn't visible, and
  1. How many .txt files live in web_scripts in all of our users?

Ticket #92 is related.

#101 fixed Nagios monitoring for LDAP replication quentin

We should monitor LDAP replication to make sure all the servers can talk to all the servers. We can probably adapt to do what we want.

#103 fixed Logging into Trac takes you back to the main page andersk

If you visit an autoinstalled Trac, go to a subpage, and log in, you are taken back to that Trac’s main page. I used to think this was an annoying Trac “feature”, but actually upstream Trac works properly, leaving you on the same page when you log in.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.