Custom Query (12 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (10 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Created
#247 systemd parallel bootup breaks unspecified dependencies defect blocker internals 13 years
#266 python-flask RPM broke local eggs defect blocker misc 13 years
#267 AFS sysname is wrong defect blocker internals 13 years
#250 F15 comes with Rails 3 defect major web 13 years
#252 TurboGears FCGI stub needs to be updated for F15 defect major autoinstallers 13 years
#160 hosts don't support ext4 defect normal internals 14 years
#177 Server panic on OOM fails to reboot defect normal internals 14 years
#180 whoisd should have a init script enhancement normal internals 14 years
#253 Django admin media missing on F15 geofft defect normal web 13 years
#206 We forgot to keep disabling new PHP extensions defect minor web 13 years

Resolution: wontfix (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Created
#168 scripts-cert-test IP address defect normal internals 14 years
#226 /usr/kerberos/bin is gone in F15 defect normal web 13 years
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.