Custom Query (11 matches)


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Status: closed (11 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Resolution Created
#273 Fedora 17 development enhancement major fixed 13 years
#306 Make logview work at least as well as it used to defect major fixed 12 years
#260 Patch future systemd Apache to depend on openafs-client and crond quentin defect normal fixed 13 years
#279 Renumber local users on Scripts servers elefthei defect normal fixed 12 years
#285 php_scripts doesn't build with PHP 5.4.3 defect normal fixed 12 years
#287 Make sure httpd/afsagent/openafs deps all work defect normal fixed 12 years
#289 F17 syslog filling up with "/dev/ttyS0: not a character device" defect normal fixed 12 years
#290 better-mousetrapfs broken in F17 defect normal invalid 12 years
#291 binfmt stuff broken in F17 defect normal fixed 12 years
#295 bash: lspci: command not found defect normal fixed 12 years
#297 whois server broken on F17 defect normal fixed 12 years
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.