Custom Query (196 matches)


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Results (124 - 126 of 196)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#314 adehnert wontfix Use ~/Scripts/web/ instead of ~/web_scripts/ for new users

web_scripts is sorta an annoying name and contributes to clutter in people's lockers. We should move away from it. (See also #263, although I don't believe there's any particular ordering constraint here.)

#328 adehnert fixed Monitor used connections on

Now that #327 is fixed, we're somewhat less likely to notice when one user (probably hacked or DoSed?) is using a ton of connections. We should add monitoring of used connections, either max connections per user or total connections.

The check_mysql_query plugin in combination with the PROCESSLIST table in the information_schema database may be useful.

#335 sipbcert invalid test
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.