Custom Query (196 matches)


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Results (169 - 171 of 196)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#157 geofft fixed the Debian/Ubuntu hosts should run our zephyr logger

We really have no syslog monitoring of the directors or the hosts. This should be fixed.

#162 andersk fixed Upgrade scripts servers to Fedora 13

Fedora 11 reached end of life on June 25 and is no longer receiving security support. We’ve been backporting some security updates manually. We should actually upgrade to Fedora 13.

(Not that we didn’t know, just that we didn’t have a ticket. See also the Fedora 13 milestone.)

#194 andersk fixed Disable mail to *

Many sendmail installations, including MIT’s, canonicalize eviluser@… to eviluser@…, which currently works like eviluser@…. People shouldn’t be able to get an email address at a domain that isn’t theirs without permission, so we should disable mail received at

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