14 years |
mitchb |
Certificate and Apache config for ec.mit.edu
14 years |
geofft |
Move sayno.mit.edu's locker
14 years |
geofft |
Reified vhosts for listmon and sayno
14 years |
mitchb |
Renewed cert for whatsnext.mit.edu
14 years |
geofft |
SSL certificates for listmon and sayno
14 years |
ezyang |
Bump maximum request size of mod_fcgid; this fixes large file uploads ...
14 years |
ezyang |
Revert incorrect stanza for disabling signups.
14 years |
ezyang |
Restore PHP iCalendar
14 years |
ezyang |
Scriptsify ipython, add patch for GTK.
14 years |
ezyang |
Un-scriptsify mod_fcgid.
14 years |
ezyang |
Add signup disabling stanza, say fs setacl not fs sa.
14 years |
ezyang |
mod_fcgid 2.3.6 is OK.
14 years |
adehnert |
Send srimano to /dev/null due to backscatter
14 years |
geofft |
punt gdb
14 years |
andersk |
Reify fridget.mit.edu
14 years |
andersk |
Unreify bookspicker.mit.edu
14 years |
andersk |
Identify processes triggering the kernel module loader for the logs
14 years |
geofft |
Have slapd use a file ccache instead of a memory one
I suspect this ...
14 years |
geofft |
Pristine version of /etc/sysconfig/dirsrv
14 years |
ezyang |
Scriptsify mod_fcgid (this is non-working.)
14 years |
geofft |
Cert renewals, and new cert for fridget
14 years |
ezyang |
Comment about replacing source.
14 years |
ezyang |
Switch to a temporary OpenAFS source RPM URL that works.
14 years |
ezyang |
Updated Kerberos version number.
14 years |
ezyang |
Exclude mod_fcgid from updates.
14 years |
ezyang |
Add mock configuration for Fedora 13.
14 years |
ezyang |
Ignore oom_adj for all values.
14 years |
geofft |
Backport harder
14 years |
geofft |
Scriptsify 389 to grab fix for RHBZ #637852
14 years |
ezyang |
Info about adding servers to SSH config.
14 years |
geofft |
Also update DenyUsers and ssh_known_hosts
14 years |
geofft |
Update shosts.equiv to list new servers
14 years |
ezyang |
Set default date.timezone.
14 years |
mitchb |
Fill in missing names for the scripts.mit.edu vhost
14 years |
ezyang |
Word of warning about PHP sessions.
14 years |
ezyang |
Restore r1692.
14 years |
ezyang |
Restore r1686.
14 years |
ezyang |
Add notes about first-time installs of hostnames.
14 years |
ezyang |
Add section about testing infrastructure.
14 years |
ezyang |
Merge Fedora 13 development back to trunk.
14 years |
ezyang |
Switch SMTP to F13. give s-a more weight.