Jun 1, 2013, 4:10:41 AM (12 years ago)
prune-mailq: don't pre-wrap the sample email
1 edited


  • trunk/server/fedora/config/etc/scripts/prune-mailq

    r2425 r2426  
    4040        echo
    4141        cat <<-EOF
    42 The scripts.mit.edu servers currently have a large number of email
    43 messages destined for the *$locker* account that are not being handled by
    44 your account and are being queued. Sufficiently large numbers of queued
    45 messages can cause stability issues for the servers, so we would like
    46 you to ensure that your account can handle all messages it receives by
    47 two weeks from now.
     42The scripts.mit.edu servers currently have a large number of email messages destined for the *$locker* account that are not being handled by your account and are being queued. Sufficiently large numbers of queued messages can cause stability issues for the servers, so we would like you to ensure that your account can handle all messages it receives by two weeks from now.
    49 You will be able to process the incoming messages if you sign up for the
    50 mail scripts service (http://scripts.mit.edu/mail/). You're welcome to
    51 simply forward all incoming mail to another address (the default is to
    52 forward it to the mit.edu address of the user who signs up); otherwise,
    53 you can configure mail scripts to process the incoming messages in some
    54 suitable fashion.
     44You will be able to process the incoming messages if you sign up for the mail scripts service (http://scripts.mit.edu/mail/). You're welcome to simply forward all incoming mail to another address (the default is to forward it to the mit.edu address of the user who signs up); otherwise, you can configure mail scripts to process the incoming messages in some suitable fashion.
    56 Frequently, large numbers of queued messages are a sign that some wiki,
    57 blog, forum, or other site has been spammed. If this is the case, you
    58 should apply some appropriate spam-blocking mechanism.
     46Frequently, large numbers of queued messages are a sign that some wiki, blog, forum, or other site has been spammed. If this is the case, you should apply some appropriate spam-blocking mechanism.
    6048If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
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