1 | #!/usr/bin/perl |
2 | |
3 | use strict; |
4 | use warnings; |
5 | use Sys::Hostname; |
6 | use Time::HiRes qw(ualarm); |
7 | use File::Temp; |
8 | |
9 | our $ZCLASS = "scripts-auto"; |
10 | our @USERS = qw/root logview/; |
11 | my $k5login; |
12 | open $k5login, '/root/.k5login'; |
13 | our @RECIPIENTS = map {chomp; m|([^/@]*)| && $1} <$k5login>; |
14 | close $k5login; |
15 | |
16 | our %USERS; |
17 | @USERS{@USERS} = undef; |
18 | |
19 | sub zwrite($;$$@) { |
20 | my ($message, $class, $instance, @recipients) = @_; |
21 | $class ||= $ZCLASS; |
22 | $instance ||= 'root.'.hostname; |
23 | # @recipients ||= @RECIPIENTS; |
24 | open(ZWRITE, "|-", qw|/usr/bin/zwrite -d -n -O log -c|, $class, '-i', $instance, '-s', hostname, @RECIPIENTS) or die "Couldn't open zwrite"; |
25 | print ZWRITE $message; |
26 | close(ZWRITE); |
27 | } |
28 | |
29 | my %toclass; |
30 | |
31 | my %sshkeys; |
32 | |
33 | sub buildKeyMap($) { |
34 | my ($file) = @_; |
35 | open (KEYS, $file) or warn "Couldn't open $file: $!"; |
36 | while (<KEYS>) { |
37 | chomp; |
38 | my ($fingerprint, $comment) = parseKey($_); |
39 | $sshkeys{$fingerprint} = $comment; |
40 | } |
41 | close(KEYS); |
42 | } |
43 | |
44 | sub parseKey($) { |
45 | my ($key) = @_; |
46 | my $tmp = new File::Temp; |
47 | print $tmp $key; |
48 | close $tmp; |
49 | open (KEYGEN, "-|", qw(/usr/bin/ssh-keygen -l -f), $tmp) or die "Couldn't call ssh-keygen: $!"; |
50 | my ($line) = <KEYGEN>; |
51 | close(KEYGEN); |
52 | my (undef, $fingerprint, undef) = split(' ', $line, 3); |
53 | my (undef, undef, $comment) = split(' ', $key, 3); |
54 | print "$fingerprint $comment"; |
55 | return ($fingerprint, $comment); |
56 | } |
57 | |
58 | buildKeyMap("/root/.ssh/authorized_keys2"); |
59 | |
60 | while (1) { |
61 | my @message = scalar(<>); |
62 | eval { |
63 | local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" }; # NB: \n required |
64 | ualarm(500*1000); |
65 | while (<>) { push @message, $_; } |
66 | }; |
67 | chomp @message; |
68 | map { s/^(.*?): // } @message; |
69 | %toclass = (); |
70 | foreach my $message (@message) { |
71 | sub sendmsg ($;$) { |
72 | my ($message, $class) = @_; |
73 | $class ||= $ZCLASS; |
74 | $toclass{$class} .= $message."\n"; |
75 | } |
76 | if ($message =~ m|Accepted (\S+) for (\S+)|) { |
77 | sendmsg($message) if exists $USERS{$2} |
78 | } elsif ($message =~ m|Authorized to (\S+),|) { |
79 | sendmsg($message) if exists $USERS{$1}; |
80 | } elsif ($message =~ m|Root (\S+) shell|) { |
81 | sendmsg($message); |
82 | } elsif ($message =~ m|session \S+ for user (\S+)|) { |
83 | sendmsg($message) if exists $USERS{$1}; |
84 | } elsif ($message =~ m|^Found matching (\w+) key: (\S+)|) { |
85 | if ($sshkeys{$2}) { |
86 | sendmsg($message." (".$sshkeys{$2}.")"); |
87 | } else { |
88 | sendmsg($message." (UNKNOWN KEY)"); |
89 | } |
90 | } elsif ($message =~ m|^Connection closed|) { |
91 | # Do nothing |
92 | } elsif ($message =~ m|^Closing connection to |) { |
93 | } elsif ($message =~ m|^Connection from (\S+) port (\S+)|) { |
94 | } elsif ($message =~ m|^Invalid user|) { |
95 | } elsif ($message =~ m|^input_userauth_request: invalid user|) { |
96 | } elsif ($message =~ m|^Received disconnect from|) { |
97 | } elsif ($message =~ m|^fatal: Read from socket failed: Connection reset by peer$|) { |
98 | } elsif ($message =~ m|^reverse mapping checking getaddrinfo|) { |
99 | } elsif ($message =~ m|^pam_succeed_if\(sshd\:auth\)\:|) { |
100 | } elsif ($message =~ m|^error: PAM: Authentication failure|) { |
101 | } elsif ($message =~ m|^pam_unix\(sshd:auth\): authentication failure|) { |
102 | } elsif ($message =~ m|^Postponed keyboard-interactive for invalid user |) { |
103 | } elsif ($message =~ m|^Failed keyboard-interactive/pam for invalid user |) { |
104 | } elsif ($message =~ m|^Postponed gssapi-with-mic for |) { |
105 | } elsif ($message =~ m|^Address \S+ maps to \S+, but this does not map back to the address|) { |
106 | } else { |
107 | sendmsg($message, "scripts-spew"); |
108 | } |
109 | } |
110 | |
111 | foreach my $class (keys %toclass) { |
112 | zwrite($toclass{$class}, $class); |
113 | } |
114 | } |