]> scripts.mit.edu Git - wizard.git/blob - wizard/app/mediawiki.py
Make the executables in math for MediaWiki.
[wizard.git] / wizard / app / mediawiki.py
1 import re
2 import distutils.version
3 import os
4 import lxml.cssselect
5 import lxml.etree
6 import StringIO
7 import logging
9 from wizard import app, install, resolve, shell, sql, util
10 from wizard.app import php
12 # Note: Maintenance script exit codes
13 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
14 # MediaWiki has notoriously spotty support for exit codes.  It has
15 # gotten better, but there are still always cases that slip through,
16 # such as <https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=29588>.
17 # As a result, we check both for exit codes AND for the "success"
18 # message in stdout.
20 def make_filename_regex(var):
21     """See :ref:`versioning config <seed>` for more information."""
22     return 'LocalSettings.php', php.re_var(var)
24 seed = util.dictmap(make_filename_regex, {
25         'WIZARD_IP': 'IP', # obsolete, remove after we're done
26         'WIZARD_SITENAME': 'wgSitename',
27         'WIZARD_SCRIPTPATH': 'wgScriptPath',
28         'WIZARD_EMERGENCYCONTACT': ('wgEmergencyContact', 'wgPasswordSender'),
29         'WIZARD_DBSERVER': 'wgDBserver',
30         'WIZARD_DBNAME': 'wgDBname',
31         'WIZARD_DBUSER': 'wgDBuser',
32         'WIZARD_DBPASSWORD': 'wgDBpassword',
33         'WIZARD_SECRETKEY': ('wgSecretKey', 'wgProxyKey'),
34         'WIZARD_UPGRADEKEY': 'wgUpgradeKey',
35         })
37 class Application(app.Application):
38     database = "mysql"
39     parametrized_files = ['LocalSettings.php'] + php.parametrized_files
40     deprecated_keys = set(['WIZARD_IP']) | php.deprecated_keys
41     extractors = app.make_extractors(seed)
42     extractors.update(php.extractors)
43     substitutions = app.make_substitutions(seed)
44     substitutions.update(php.substitutions)
45     install_schema = install.ArgSchema("db", "admin", "email", "title")
46     random_keys = set(['WIZARD_SECRETKEY', 'WIZARD_UPGRADEKEY'])
47     def download(self, version):
48         series = ".".join(str(version).split(".")[:2])
49         return "http://download.wikimedia.org/mediawiki/%s/mediawiki-%s.tar.gz" % (series, version)
50     def checkConfig(self, deployment):
51         return os.path.isfile("LocalSettings.php")
52     def detectVersion(self, deployment):
53         return self.detectVersionFromFile("includes/DefaultSettings.php", php.re_var("wgVersion"))
54     def checkWeb(self, deployment):
55         return self.checkWebPage(deployment, "/index.php?title=Main_Page", outputs=["<!-- Served"])
56     def install(self, version, options):
57         php.ini_replace_vars()
58         if version >= distutils.version.LooseVersion("1.17.0"):
59             self.install_1_17_0(options)
60         else:
61             self.install_old(options)
62     def install_1_17_0(self, options):
63         util.soft_unlink("LocalSettings.php")
64         with util.ChangeDirectory("math"):
65             shell.call("make")
66         try:
67             result = shell.eval(
68                     "php", "maintenance/install.php",
69                     "--dbname", options.dsn.database,
70                     "--dbpass", options.dsn.password,
71                     "--dbserver", options.dsn.host,
72                     "--dbuser", options.dsn.username,
73                     "--email", options.email,
74                     "--pass", options.admin_password,
75                     "--server", "http://" + options.web_host,
76                     "--scriptpath", options.web_path,
77                     options.title, options.admin_name,
78                     log=True)
79         except shell.CallError as e:
80             raise app.RecoverableInstallFailure("Install script returned non-zero exit code\nSTDOUT: %s\nSTDERR: %s" % (e.stdout, e.stderr))
81         logging.debug("Install script output:\n\n" + result)
82         # See [Note: Maintenance script exit codes]
83         results = result.rstrip().split()
84         if not results or not results[-1] == "done":
85             raise app.RecoverableInstallFailure(result)
87     def install_old(self, options):
88         util.soft_unlink("LocalSettings.php")
89         os.chmod("config", 0777) # XXX: vaguely sketchy
91         postdata = {
92             'Sitename': options.title,
93             'EmergencyContact': options.email,
94             'LanguageCode': 'en',
95             'DBserver': options.dsn.host,
96             'DBname': options.dsn.database,
97             'DBuser': options.dsn.username,
98             'DBpassword': options.dsn.password,
99             'DBpassword2': options.dsn.password,
100             'defaultEmail': options.email,
101             'SysopName': options.admin_name,
102             'SysopPass': options.admin_password,
103             'SysopPass2': options.admin_password,
104             }
105         result = install.fetch(options, '/config/index.php', post=postdata)
106         result_etree = lxml.etree.parse(StringIO.StringIO(result), lxml.etree.HTMLParser())
107         selector = lxml.cssselect.CSSSelector(".error")
108         error_messages = [e.text for e in selector(result_etree)]
109         logging.debug("Installation output:\n\n" + result)
110         if result.find("Installation successful") == -1:
111             if not error_messages:
112                 raise app.InstallFailure()
113             else:
114                 raise app.RecoverableInstallFailure(error_messages)
115         os.rename('config/LocalSettings.php', 'LocalSettings.php')
117     def upgrade(self, d, version, options):
118         if not os.path.isfile("AdminSettings.php"):
119             shell.call("git", "checkout", "-q", "mediawiki-" + str(version), "--", "AdminSettings.php")
120         with util.ChangeDirectory("math"):
121             shell.call("make")
122         try:
123             result = shell.eval("php", "maintenance/update.php", "--quick", log=True)
124         except shell.CallError as e:
125             raise app.UpgradeFailure("Update script returned non-zero exit code\nSTDOUT: %s\nSTDERR: %s" % (e.stdout, e.stderr))
126         logging.debug("Upgrade script output:\n\n" + result)
127         # See [Note: Maintenance script exit codes]
128         results = result.rstrip().split()
129         if not results or not results[-1] == "Done.":
130             raise app.UpgradeFailure(result)
131     @app.throws_database_errors
132     def backup(self, deployment, backup_dir, options):
133         sql.backup(backup_dir, deployment)
134     @app.throws_database_errors
135     def restore(self, deployment, backup_dir, options):
136         sql.restore(backup_dir, deployment)
137     @app.throws_database_errors
138     def remove(self, deployment, options):
139         sql.drop(deployment.dsn)
140     def researchFilter(self, filename, added, deleted):
141         if filename == "LocalSettings.php":
142             return added == deleted == 10 or added == deleted == 9
143         elif filename == "AdminSettings.php":
144             return added == 0 and deleted == 20
145         elif filename == "config/index.php" or filename == "config/index.php5":
146             return added == 0
147         return False
149 Application.resolutions = {
150 'LocalSettings.php': [
151     ("""
152 <<<<<<<
153 ***1***
154 =======
155 ## The URL base path to the directory containing the wiki;
156 ## defaults for all runtime URL paths are based off of this.
157 ## For more information on customizing the URLs please see:
158 ## http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Short_URL
159 ***2***
160 $wgScriptExtension  = ".php";
162 ## UPO means: this is also a user preference option
163 >>>>>>>
164 """, [-1]),
165     ("""
166 <<<<<<<
167 ***1***
168 =======
170 # MySQL specific settings
171 $wgDBprefix         = "";
172 >>>>>>>
173 """, ["\n# MySQL specific settings", 1]),
174     ("""
175 <<<<<<<
176 ## is writable, then uncomment this:
177 ***1***
178 =======
179 ## is writable, then set this to true:
180 $wgEnableUploads       = false;
181 >>>>>>>
182 """, [-1]),
183     ("""
184 <<<<<<<
185 ***1***
186 $wgMathPath         = "{$wgUploadPath}/math";
187 $wgMathDirectory    = "{$wgUploadDirectory}/math";
188 $wgTmpDirectory     = "{$wgUploadDirectory}/tmp";
189 =======
190 $wgUseTeX           = false;
191 >>>>>>>
192 """, [1]),
193     # order of these rules is important
194     ("""
195 <<<<<<<
196 $configdate = gmdate( 'YmdHis', @filemtime( __FILE__ ) );
197 $wgCacheEpoch = max( $wgCacheEpoch, $configdate );
198 ***1***
199 ?>
200 =======
201 $wgCacheEpoch = max( $wgCacheEpoch, gmdate( 'YmdHis', @filemtime( __FILE__ ) ) );
202 >>>>>>>
203 """, [0, 1]),
204     ("""
205 <<<<<<<
206 $configdate = gmdate( 'YmdHis', @filemtime( __FILE__ ) );
207 $wgCacheEpoch = max( $wgCacheEpoch, $configdate );
208 ***1***
209 =======
210 $wgCacheEpoch = max( $wgCacheEpoch, gmdate( 'YmdHis', @filemtime( __FILE__ ) ) );
211 >>>>>>>
212 """, [0, 1]),
213     ("""
214 <<<<<<<
215 ?>
216 =======
217 # When you make changes to this configuration file, this will make
218 # sure that cached pages are cleared.
219 $wgCacheEpoch = max( $wgCacheEpoch, gmdate( 'YmdHis', @filemtime( __FILE__ ) ) );
220 >>>>>>>
221 """, [0]),
222     ("""
223 <<<<<<<
224 ***1***
225 ?>
226 =======
227 # When you make changes to this configuration file, this will make
228 # sure that cached pages are cleared.
229 $wgCacheEpoch = max( $wgCacheEpoch, gmdate( 'YmdHis', @filemtime( __FILE__ ) ) );
230 >>>>>>>
231 """, [1, 0]),
232     ("""
233 <<<<<<<
234 ***1***
235 =======
236 # When you make changes to this configuration file, this will make
237 # sure that cached pages are cleared.
238 $wgCacheEpoch = max( $wgCacheEpoch, gmdate( 'YmdHis', @filemtime( __FILE__ ) ) );
239 >>>>>>>
240 """, [1, 0]),
241     ]
242 }