Custom Query (15 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#129 Publish an SPF record for / get DNS delegation new enhancement major
#356 Better handling of procmail, bounces, and mail loops new defect major
#215 Use LDAP to determine whether users receive mail new enhancement normal
#216 Better default procmailrc new enhancement normal
#315 Migrate procmail examples elsewhere new enhancement normal
#351 vhost IMAPS new enhancement normal
#357 Rate-limit each mail sender new enhancement normal
#361 MAILQ assisted handling script new enhancement normal
#364 Better mailq template email new task normal
#366 Mail from scripts to scripts-hosted domain ignores MX record new defect normal
#408 Opt-in email new enhancement normal
#421 Turn on reject_sender_login_mismatch new enhancement normal
#29 give example using Delivered-To/$1 new enhancement minor
#217 procmail's ^TO expansion does not include X-Original-To new enhancement minor
#399 Incoming SMTP should support STARTTLS new enhancement minor
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.