

Apr 18, 2013:

1:16 PM Changeset [2397] by achernya
Certificate renewal for courseroad

Apr 11, 2013:

5:04 AM Ticket #357 (Rate-limit each mail sender) created by adehnert
I think we've had a couple instances of a single sender hosing …
1:03 AM Ticket #356 (Better handling of procmail, bounces, and mail loops) created by adehnert
At the moment, procmail and bounces seem to be liable to cause mail …

Apr 7, 2013:

5:59 PM Ticket #233 (Do something sensible on 'athrun scripts scripts -start') reopened by adehnert
As per comment:6, "Bugs are not fixed until the patch is reviewed, …
5:56 PM Ticket #233 (Do something sensible on 'athrun scripts scripts -start') closed by elefthei
2:21 PM Ticket #194 (Disable mail to *@scripts-vhosts.mit.edu) closed by achernya
fixed: Anders fixed this in r2375.

Apr 1, 2013:

8:31 PM WikiStart edited by adehnert
move starter tickets to the top (diff)

Mar 31, 2013:

1:52 AM Changeset [2396] by achernya
Update postfix from 2.9.5 to 2.9.6

Mar 27, 2013:

2:30 PM Changeset [2395] by achernya
Certificate and configuration for mosh
4:17 AM Changeset [2394] by achernya
Certificate renewal for carepackages and finboard

Mar 24, 2013:

3:10 PM Changeset [2393] by achernya
Sync mitchief.org from LDAP

Mar 21, 2013:

4:04 AM Ticket #355 (Move stella web client into the scripts locker) created by adehnert
We have a link to https://scripts-cert.mit.edu/~geofft/stella.php in …
1:57 AM Changeset [2392] by achernya
Remove certificate configuration for a long-deactivated site
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.