package onserver; use strict; use Exporter; use Sys::Hostname; use File::Spec::Functions; use File::Basename; use File::Copy; use Socket; use Cwd qw(abs_path); use POSIX qw(strftime); use LWP::UserAgent; use IPC::Open2; use URI; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT = qw(setup totmp fetch_uri print_login_info press_enter $server $tmp $USER $HOME $sname $deploy $addrend $base_uri $ua $admin_username $requires_sql $addrlast $sqlhost $sqluser $sqlpass $sqldb $admin_password $scriptsdev $human $email); our $server = ""; our ($tmp, $USER, $HOME, $lname, $sname, $deploy, $addrend, $base_uri, $ua, $admin_username, $requires_sql, $addrlast, $sqlhost, $sqluser, $sqlpass, $sqldb, $admin_password, $scriptsdev, $human, $email); $tmp = ".scripts-tmp"; sub totmp { open(FILE, ">$tmp"); print FILE $_[0]; close(FILE); } $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; push @{$ua->requests_redirectable}, 'POST'; sub fetch_uri { my ($uri, $get, $post) = @_; my $u = URI->new($uri); my $req; if (defined $post) { $u->query_form($post); my $content = $u->query; $u->query_form($get); $req = HTTP::Request->new(POST => $u->abs($base_uri)); $req->content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); $req->content($content); } else { $u->query_form($get) if (defined $get); $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $u->abs($base_uri)); } my $res = $ua->request($req); if ($res->is_success) { return $res->content; } else { print STDERR "Error fetching configuration page: ", $res->status_line, "\n"; return undef; } } sub print_login_info { print "\nYou will be able to log in to $sname using the following:\n"; print " username: $admin_username\n"; print " password: $admin_password\n"; } sub getclienthostname { if (my $sshclient = $ENV{"SSH_CLIENT"}) { my ($clientip) = split(' ', $sshclient); my $hostname = gethostbyaddr(inet_aton($clientip), AF_INET); return $hostname || $clientip; } else { return hostname(); } } sub press_enter { local $/ = "\n"; print "Press [enter] to continue with the install."; my $enter = ; } sub setup { $ENV{PATH} = '/bin:/usr/bin'; $USER = $ENV{USER}; $HOME = $ENV{HOME}; ($lname, $sname, $deploy, $addrend, $admin_username, $requires_sql, $scriptsdev, $human) = @ARGV; chdir "$HOME/web_scripts/$addrend"; $email = "$human\"; if($addrend =~ /^(.*)\/$/) { $addrend = $1; } ($addrlast) = ($addrend =~ /([^\/]*)$/); $base_uri = "http://$server/~$USER/$addrend/"; if($requires_sql) { print "\nCreating SQL database for $sname...\n"; open GETPWD, '-|', "/mit/scripts/sql/bin$scriptsdev/get-password"; ($sqlhost, $sqluser, $sqlpass) = split(/\s/, ); close GETPWD; open SQLDB, '-|', "/mit/scripts/sql/bin$scriptsdev/get-next-database", $addrlast; $sqldb = ; close SQLDB; open SQLDB, '-|', "/mit/scripts/sql/bin$scriptsdev/create-database", $sqldb; $sqldb = ; close SQLDB; if($sqldb eq "") { print "\nERROR:\n"; print "Your SQL account failed to create a SQL database.\n"; print "You should log in at to check whether\n"; print "your SQL account is at its database limit or its storage limit.\n"; print "If you cannot determine the cause of the problem, please\n"; print "feel free to contact sql\ for assistance.\n"; open FAILED, ">.failed"; close FAILED; exit 1; } } if(-e "$HOME/web_scripts/$addrend/.admin") { open ADMIN, "<$HOME/web_scripts/$addrend/.admin"; $admin_password=; chomp($admin_password); close ADMIN; unlink "$HOME/web_scripts/$addrend/.admin"; } # This code was originally in onathena my $repo = "/mit/scripts/git/autoinstalls$scriptsdev/$deploy.git"; if(-e $repo) { # Much of this can be replaced with # system("git", "clone", "--shared", $repo, "."); # but only once we complete the FC11 transition and are running # a version of Git more recent than 1.6.1 on all servers. `git init`; open HTACCESS, '>', '.git/.htaccess' or die $!; print HTACCESS "Deny from all\n"; close HTACCESS; open ALTERNATES, '>', ".git/objects/info/alternates" or die $!; print ALTERNATES "$repo/objects"; close ALTERNATES; system("git", "remote", "add", "origin", $repo); `git config branch.master.remote origin`; `git config branch.master.merge refs/heads/master`; `git fetch origin`; `git branch --track master origin/master`; system("git checkout master"); # to get output } else { system("tar", "zxpf", "/mit/scripts/deploy$scriptsdev/$deploy.tar.gz"); my @files = glob("* .*"); # You /don't/ want to match dotfiles if (@files == 3) { chdir $files[0] or die $!; for (glob("{,.??}*")) { move($_, catfile("..", $_)) || die $!; } chdir ".." } rmdir $files[0]; } if(-f "/mit/scripts/deploy$scriptsdev/php.ini/$deploy") { # Copy in PHP file, perform substitutions, and make symlinks # to php.ini in all subdirectories my $nodot = $lname; $nodot =~ s/\.//; open(PHPIN, "/mit/scripts/deploy$scriptsdev/php.ini/$deploy") || die $!; open(PHPOUT, ">", "php.ini") || die $!; while() { s/SCRIPTS_USER/$lname/; s/SCRIPTS_NODOT/$nodot/; print PHPOUT $_ or die $!; } close(PHPOUT) || die $!; close(PHPIN) || die $!; # athrun doesn't exist on scripts. But find exists! Use alternate script system("/mit/scripts/bin/fix-php-ini-scripts"); } print "\nConfiguring $sname...\n"; if($requires_sql) { print "A copy of ${USER}'s SQL login info will be placed in\n/mit/$USER/web_scripts/$addrend.\n"; } if(-e $repo) { # fake an empty commit to get version info my $pid = open2(\*GIT_OUT, \*GIT_IN, "git commit-tree HEAD: -p HEAD") or die "Can't execute git process"; print GIT_IN "User autoinstalled application\n\n"; print GIT_IN "Installed-by: ", $ENV{'USER'}, '@', getclienthostname(), "\n"; close(GIT_IN); my $hash=; chomp($hash); close(GIT_OUT); waitpid $pid, 0; # reap zombies system("git reset $hash"); } else { open(VERSION, ">.scripts-version") or die "Can't write scripts-version file: $!\n"; print VERSION strftime("%F %T %z\n", localtime); print VERSION $ENV{'USER'}, '@', getclienthostname(), "\n"; my $tarball = abs_path("/mit/scripts/deploy$scriptsdev/$deploy.tar.gz"); print VERSION $tarball, "\n"; $tarball =~ s|/deploydev/|/deploy/|; print VERSION dirname($tarball), "\n"; close(VERSION); } select STDOUT; $| = 1; # STDOUT is *hot*! } 1;