

Jan 31, 2017:

11:13 PM Changeset [2818] by achernya
Tool for editing users Primarily good for disabling hacked accounts
10:42 PM Changeset [2817] by achernya
Copy from wrong branch to get to trunk
10:39 PM Changeset [2816] by achernya
Variation of vhostedit that takes a server as argument Useful ever since we switched to the LDAP cluster.

Jan 30, 2017:

8:35 PM Changeset [2815] by ezyang
Add documentation on how to use vhostcert.

Jan 23, 2017:

10:01 PM Changeset [2814] by achernya
More spammy users

Jan 16, 2017:

10:21 PM Ticket #428 (Django autoinstaller should change behavior based on what version of ...) created by ermain
Users may wish to update their personal copy of Django since the …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.