

Feb 28, 2016:

1:09 AM Changeset [2763] by achernya
I have no idea what happened here
12:55 AM Changeset [2762] by achernya
This is what I get for using vim

Feb 27, 2016:

11:14 PM Changeset [2761] by achernya
Add a 389-ds-base patch for the CoS cache The version of 389-ds-base Scripts is currently running is sometimes duplciating entries on queries. We suspect that this is https://fedorahosted.org/389/ticket/47921 -- this change applies the suggested patch.
2:16 AM Changeset [2760] by andersk
mod_vhost_ldap: Quote configuration arguments for ap_getword_conf

Feb 26, 2016:

6:08 AM Changeset [2759] by andersk
Remove all remaining traces of apacheConfig records
6:08 AM Changeset [2758] by andersk
reify-vhost.py: Use scriptsVhost records rather than apacheConfig records
2:48 AM Changeset [2757] by andersk
whoisd: Use scriptsVhost records rather than apacheConfig records
2:48 AM Changeset [2756] by andersk
whoisd: Ignore Apache configuration files There is no relevant information there as of r2731.
2:06 AM Changeset [2755] by andersk
mod_vhost_ldap: Use scriptsVhost records rather than apacheConfig records This will let us kill off the redundant apacheConfig records. It relies on the following CoS template in LDAP to make the homeDirectory, uidNumber, and gidNumber fields available as generated attributes in the scriptsVhost records. dn: cn=vhostOwnerCoS,ou=VirtualHosts,dc=scripts,dc=mit,dc=edu cn: vhostOwnerCoS objectClass: top objectClass: ldapSubEntry objectClass: cosSuperDefinition objectClass: cosIndirectDefinition cosIndirectSpecifier: scriptsVhostAccount cosAttribute: homeDirectory operational cosAttribute: uid operational cosAttribute: uidNumber operational cosAttribute: gidNumber operational

Feb 21, 2016:

6:12 PM Changeset [2754] by adehnert
Check the local machine's IP address on the DNS blacklist

Feb 20, 2016:

8:38 PM Changeset [2753] by vasilvv
Add vasilvv to root email aliases
8:28 PM Changeset [2752] by vasilvv
Add vasilvv to root email aliases
6:31 PM Changeset [2751] by adehnert
Commit upstream nagios-rbl-check From https://github.com/egeland/nagios-rbl-check/

Feb 16, 2016:

11:24 AM Changeset [2750] by andersk
Certificate and configuration for pda [help.mit.edu #3630557]
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.